At home

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We arrived at Timmy's house and walked to his front door.Once we were inside we sat down and started the frist episode of ninjago.Timmys  mom offered us some snacks while we were watching.

It was 6:40 now I better get home before it get really late my dad would kill me if I was past 7:30 from coming home.i left Timmy's house we managed to watch up to season 8 sons of Garmadon I really love ninjago I've been watching it for 2 years now.Frankies dad was collecting her at 7 so I didn't get a chance to walk home with her which we normally do everyday comeing from school,I live 17 minutes away from her house which is a science lab so we normally walk half the way to my house before she has to turn to that shortcut way to her house.

I was walking down the empty streets of griffin rock,which surprised me a lot because they aren't usually much quiet streets on griffin rock.It was cold tho it was like -2 my red jacket was not keeping me warm enough and my heavy backpack made it harder to walk in the cold.🥶

After what seemed like hours of walking, I finally reached my drive the last door was open,dad must have left it open for me.i walked inside freezing and my nose was runnny I really hope I don't catch a cold.

The bright light greeted me and I walked into the garage I saw Graham studying on the desk with Boulder helping him with his engineering homework "hey guys"
"Hi Cody" said Boulder and Graham
I walked up to the elevator pressing the button to go up I opened my phone up to answer any messages.I totally forgot about that unknown user who texted me this morning I really should tell that about that.But I don't want any of my siblings to found out about it because they will tease me about that somone likes me.i can't be asked to deal with that today.

I walked in while looking down at my phone

"Hi son how was your ninjago marathon"? Said Charlie
"Hey dad it was great we got up to seson 8" I explained
"Well you can always go tomorrow to finish all of the episodes off since it is Saturday" explained Charlie
I looked up to see kade and Dani on the table
"Hey squirt do you think I can beat Dani in a race? said kade the oldest of the siblings
Dani eyeing me
"I mean sure "
Dad turned around to get on with makeing dinner
"Hahahah yesss thanks squirt" chuckled kade
"COdYYY" said dani in a angry manor
"Umm I'm just gonna go to my room soo BYEEEE" I quickly said
"Haha you better run" laughed dani
I arrived in my room safe and sound I jumped on the bed and started to watch some YouTube videos to pass the time until dinner was ready

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