Chapter 9: An Escape Attempt

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Sweetie: Villains. Let's rest easy now. It's 8 pm. But wake up soon enough to spring the trap . . . for our guests.

The villains start to leave but Arrby stops Sid and asks him a question.

Arrby: Cap'n Boss Mr. Sid Sir? May I watch the prisoners so they can't escape? I have telepathy so I know how they would escape.

Sid Swashbuckle: Hmm. What do you think, Sweetie?

Sweetie: Very well. But if anything were to happen on your watch, just know, I don't need my powers to deal with you.

Clone passes by and stares at Arrby, menacingly. He then continues his walk. Arrby gulps and nods his head rapidly. Sweetie and Sid now head to bed. The lights turn off and Arrby sighs in relief, now seeing this chance to enact his plan.

Arrby: (relieved and walks over to prisoners) Thank goodness they're gone! 

The PAW Patrol is confused. Arrby is working with the villains and he's glad they're gone?

Crash: What are you saying, kid?

Arrby: (working on the chains holding Crash) I'm getting you out.

Coral: I knew there was good in you. (Smiles)

Arrby blushes but smiles back.

Patchy: Eh. I knew it too. Right from the start.

Ella: (chuckles) Patchy. You never knew him.

Patchy: Okay, you caught me.

Rory: Why are you helping us? You said that Sid needs you.

Arrby: I thought it over. And I realized . . . Sid can steal his own treasure if he doesn't treat his first mate the way he should be treated. Ugh! These chains are hard!

Then Arrby got quick to work on releasing the heroes. He got Ryder, Liberty, The Junior Patrollers, Tundra and Everest free. Then he worked on Chase's multiversal counterparts. Then Chase's family. Then the Mighty Twins. Et cetera et cetera et cetera until the last one he was working on was Coral.

Tracker: (moves his ears and he hears a faint noise) Oh no! I hear something!

Arrby: What?

They all look to see Victor is coming back! Now he has bags with something moving inside each of them. He steps out with the bags as he also has two human being in his arms while the bags are on his back. This made Ryder's heart sink.

Ryder: KATIE!!!

Katie: Ryder! You're alive!

Owen: Dad! Where are we?

Katie: Wait. "Dad"?

Ryder: Katie, Owen, I'll explain later.

Then everyone else hears some voices from the bags.

Sage: Where the heck are we?

Aurora and Winter: Hello? Anybody there?

Tundra: Pups!

Sage, Aurora and Winter: MOM?!?

Then Victor spots Arrby who was wasting no time in releasing Coral.

Victor E. Vance: I knew it. I foresaw it. You were going to release them, weren't you, ya traitorous pup?

Arrby: It's the truth! And I'm okay with that!

Then Harold comes out, groggy and looking for a glass of water.

Harold Humdinger: (yawns) What's all the ruckus abou- - ARRBY!!! You're  - - !!!

Arrby: Yes, Smart Boy. I am releasing the PAW Patrol!

Victor E. Vance: You take care of the traitor. I'll put my prizes away.

Then Victor runs to another room so he can detain the new prisoners.

Harold Humdinger: Time to go to sleep, PAW Patrol. (Uses his powers to make a sleeping dart gun) Hahahahahhahahahaha!!! 

Tristan: Watch out! (Harold starts firing)

The darts flew through the air. One hit Tristan and it took him at least a minute before he succumbs. Sammy and her children looked at Tristan with worry and fear. Then what happened to him happened to them too. Patchy yelled something important to Ella right before a dart hit him.

Patchy: I love you, Ella  (dart hits him)!

Ella was shocked. The pup she thought was cute actually like-liked her! But Tuck and Ella were next. Tundra guarded Everest and Tracker but when she dodged the darts, her friends didn't. She looked behind her and got hit by a dart too. Then Ryder was going to get Harold but he gets hit too! Crash uses himself as a shield for Carl and Craze, hoping Harold would shoot a dart on his back. But he gets the arm, making him fall asleep on Carl and Craze. Liberty had the Junior Patrollers following her but couldn't dodge the darts. Rex and Al tried to escape through the front door but failed. They fell asleep with a dart in their necks. Wild and Rory dodged each dart with skill and Shade and Leo followed their lead. They managed to hide behind the throne. Harold got frustrated and continued firing the sleep darts. Arrby saw one about to hit Coral. He leaped into action. The world fell in slow motion when Coral turned her head.

Arrby: (in slow motion) Coooooooooorrrrrrrraaaaaalllllll - - (gets hit by dart).

Coral: Arrby! (Harold realizes he's out of ammo so he grabs Coral) Hey! Let me go!

Arrby weakly walks away. Harold doesn't see him leave. But he does see the Cat Pack.

Harold Humdinger: Now I got ya! (Makes net launcher with his powers)

The net launcher shoots a net at the Cat Pack, capturing all of them.

Wild: You can't do this to us!

Leo: Set us free!

Harold Humdinger: So what? So you could tell your friends our plan? No way!

Coral: (in Harold's arms) You won't get away with this!

Harold Humdinger: Oh, sorry. But we have. (Picks up empty sleep dart gun and presses a button) 

The button made hooks that connects to each of the darts in range. He then pulls the darts (with the unconscious PAW Patrol attached) to where Victor went. Arrby, meanwhile, succumbed and fell asleep in the middle of a cave tunnel he found not too far from the room he escaped from. He fell asleep knowing his efforts to save the PAW Patrol did not help a bit. What will the Mighty Pups do about this? What will Sweetie think of Arrby's betrayal? Will the PAW Patrol escape? Find out in the next plot-twisting, action-packed story PAW Patrol: Pupocalypse.

That was exciting! Arrby almost made his plan of freeing the captured PAW Patrol members possible and Patchy got to tell Ella how he feels. Please comment down below on what you think Sweetie might do to Arrby for becoming good, or his heroic act to save Coral from the last sleep dart. And don't forget to leave a vote! Peace out, ya'll!

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