Chapter 8: The Return of the Son of Victoria

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Clone returns with a grin on his face.

Sweetie: So, Clone. How did we do?

Clone opens his blaster and blows on it, to show that it was too easy.

Mayor Humdinger: Wow! You are one to talk about, Clone.


Clone: That Dalmatian's heat wave didn't do much.

Ryder: (thinking) The pups must have found the meteor from 2018.

Clone continues to explain the easiness of his task (or his side of it) as he tells them that the pups he faced were nothing compared to him. This makes the villains smile, but Arrby knows that is not true.

Everest: Is there gonna be anymore surprises?

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a line appears, with hands coming out. The hands split it apart, and now it looks more like a rip in the fabric of space and time!

Liberty: You had to ask.

The sight of the anomaly shocks everyone. Butch and Ruben stood back. Ladybird hid behind Butch. Harold, Victoria and Sid are ready for anything. Clone stands before the portal as a man familiar to a small number of the PAW Patrol members here know too well.

???: Finally. 2024. I found it.

Tundra: YOU!!!!

Everest: No.

Liberty: Not this guy!

Ryder: It's - -

Coral: Who is it?

???: I am Victor Ezekiel Vance! Genius. Time travel expert. And son of the great - - (turns to see Victoria Vance) MOM?!

Victoria Vance: "Mom?"

Ladybird, Butch and Ruben: "MOM?!"

Tristan: What the heck is going on here?

Tundra: You remember us telling you about Victoria Vance's descendant that nearly messed up the timeline? (Points to Victor)

Tristan: Oh.

Victoria Vance: Look, dude. I don't know who you are. I don' care who you are. All I want to ask, where did you come from?!

Victor E. Vance: I come from the year 2038 14 years from now. You adopted me. Took me under your evil wing and I became who I am now.

Victoria Vance: So you are adopted?

Liberty: Phew. What a relief. I don't know who would ACTUALLY have kids with HER.

Harold Humdinger: Okay. What I want to know is . . . HOW CAN YOU DO THAT?

Victor E. Vance: Do what, little man?

Mayor Humdinger: The thi- - th- - the thing where y- - you - -

Victor E. Vance: Rip open a time portal with my bare hands?

Claw: That was WHAT?!

Victor E. Vance: You see, one time I went back to when that scrawny pup Chase was abandoned.

Sweetie: (grins) Another Chase despiser. Why couldn't he be there when we finished Chase off?

Victor E. Vance: Chase and the PAW Patrol were there and stopped me from ruining their past. If I stopped that boy Ryder from saving Chase from getting hit by a truck . . .

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