Chapter 3: A Dastardly Plan

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It was in Barkingburg was when all things turn for the worse. The castle has been taken over. The Earl and The Princess have been taken to the dungeon. But who has done all this? Sweetie and her minions. Sweetie has finally taken the throne. But the other villains grew skeptical.

Harold Humdinger: So, Sweetie (sarcastic) O Great Leader. Can we get to the part where you get to your (mockingly) "Great Plan" to deal with the pups?

Ruben: Yeah, you spoiled Terrier. Get to the point!

Sweetie: (groans) If you wanna know SO badly, I'll tell you. (The villains listen eagerly) You heard about that story the PAW Patrol told about the multiverse? With that tyrant version of Chase?

Victoria Vance: Lots of times during prison.

Mayor Humdinger: (shudders) That Clone guy sends shivers down my spine every time I hear about it. 

Sweetie: Well, he's good now. Claw made a radio that makes us hear every conversation in Adventure Bay.

Claw: And at the right frequency, I was able to get a conversation between him, who is now Clayton for some reason, and Chase. He's anxious that he will return as Clone. 

Sweetie: Anyway, we have a device that can revert him back to his dangerous, tyrannical old self. But that's just a minor detail in my plan.

Copycat: (intrigued) Continue. 

Sweetie: First step, we attend Chase's birthday. (The villains grow curious) Every PAW Patrol member will be there. Even Chase's family. Chase's multiversal friends. And Clayton, who will come back as Clone in the future. As an extra, we destroy the Lookout and their vehicles that way if they escape, they have no transportation, no place to go.

The villains grow intrigued and grin a bit.

Sweetie: Second step, we steal their Mighty Powers. Meteor badges, crystals, anything they got.

Victoria Vance: Tried to do that. Like you said, failed miserably.

Harold Humdinger: Same here.

Copycat: Yep.

Sweetie: Victoria, you haven't discovered your Adventure Bay abilites.

Victoria Vance: What do you mean?

Sweetie: With a meteor piece, Humdinger can become a purple Hulk. With a crystal, he just grows huge. Just imagine if he got both. 

Sid Swashbuckle: Shiver me timbers! That would be colossal! 

Mayor Humdinger: (chuckles evilly) Exactly. I almost squashed the PAW Patrol. If Marshall didn't grab my crystal, he'd be dog schmutz all over my hand by now.

Sweetie: I had a crystal in a crown once. I could command it to give me anything I want. I even imprisoned Mayor Goodway in the museum I made into my castle and made my loyal knight (grabs her toy Busby) huge enough to keep the pups out. Just imagine if I had my Adventure Bay powers. The possibilities are endless!!

Butch: But what's the next part of your plan?

Sweetie: We turn Clone back from his current state and we use our upgraded abilities to dominate Adventure Bay, Adventure City, the rest of Barkingburg, and being a bit of an overachiever here . . . the world. 

Ladybird: Okay. Now you got my attention!

Copycat: I'm in!

Harold Humdinger: World domination?! All right!

Sid Swashbuckle: The treasures of the world will be mine, mine mine!!! Hahahahha!

Arrby: (nervous) Uhhh you don't think we should rethink this?

Sweetie: Nope. Thought it. (Metaphorical) Patented it. Packaged it. Slapped it on a plastic lunch box. It's final.

Copycat: You aren't scared  we might hurt anybody, are you, pup?

Arrby: Uhh . . . n- - no! World domination? Physical brutality? I - - I'm in! Heheh.

Sweetie: Good. Because you will have a fate worse than the last person who worked for me. (She was referencing Vincent Slate)

Arrby gulps.

Victoria Vance: So our plan is to capture the ENTIRE team of the PAW Patrol . . . 

Copycat: Turn Clone back to normal . . . 

Mayor Humdinger: And then take the PAW Patrol's powers to dominate the Earth?

Sweetie: Exactly. All in favor, say "End the PAW Patrol!"

Every other bad guy raise their fists as they give their reply.

Mayor Humdinger: End the PAW Patrol!

Butch and Ruben: End the PAW Patrol!

Harold Humdinger: End the PAW Patrol!

Kitty Katastrophe Crew: Meow meow row! (End the PAW Patrol!)

Ladybird: End the PAW Patrol! 

Copycat: End the PAW Patrol!

Victoria Vance: End the PAW Patrol!! Ha ha!! 

Claw: End the PAW Patrol!

Sid Swashbuckle: End the PAW Patrol!

Arrby: Uhh . . . (Slowly raises his paw) end the PAW Patrol?

Sweetie: It's settled then. Villains, let's gear up and prepare for . . . PUPOCALYPSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The villains let out a cheer for the oncoming task at hand: capturing the PAW Patrol and having a fellow villain return to evilhood so they can lay waste to this world. 

Sweetie: (in thought) Chase won't see this one coming. By dusk, he'll have endless suffering till the end of his days.

The villains now continue their cheer for the plan Sweetie gave. Will the PAW Patrol be able to win? Will Sweetie finally get caught? Or will the villains succeed and their plan will be underway? Fond out in the next chapter of PAW Patrol: Pupocalypse.

So what do you think of Sweetie's plan? What do you think might happen to our heroes? Please leave a vote and a comment below. Peace out, ya'll.

PAW Patrol: Pupocalypse.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora