0.4 run for your life

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0.4 I Fight for my Life Against a Cow that is Thousands of Years Older than I Am (REAL) (NOT CLICKBAIT)

My mother kept shouting directions whenever I needed them, but we were so coordinated that the speed of our car never went under 75. Most mothers would highly advise against that, but right now, my mother shouted every time I slowed down to take a sharp curve.

Every time the lightning flashed, which was a lot, I'd catch a glimpse of Grover in the rearview mirror and remember why it felt like every strand of mental stability left in me had snapped. I was on the verge of a panic attack, I could feel it. I wondered if I was going insane, but then I wouldn't have time to think about it, as my mother would yell another direction for me to go in. Grover the Goat Boy sat in his seat but looked insanely on edge. My mother hadn't even buckled her seatbelt until I took a sharp turn and she almost got thrown into my lap.

Finally, the silence got too much for me and I finally said the most logical thing I could think of, given the circumstances, "So... does anyone have anything they wish to tell me?"

Grover and my mother looked out the back window, but nothing was following us. "Allie, please don't make this harder than it needs to be," my mother pleaded once she turned back. "Take a right up here."

"No. I want to know what's going on. Where am I taking us?" I demanded, taking the right turn and ignoring the slight hydroplane that almost took us off the road and the terrifying squeal of the tires as a result.

"A summer camp your father wanted me to send you to. I was supposed to let you go a few years ago, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. If I let you go it might've been the last time I'd see you," my mother finally answered.

"But it's just a summer camp? Why would you never be able to see me again?"

"Allie, please. Keep going straight at the four-way up here. Don't stop at the stop sign."

"Alright fine. How the hell did you get here?" I said, directing my attention to my best friend in the back seat. "What the hell is going on and why the hell do you keep looking out the window like something's following us?"

As I said it, he looked back again. "Your mother knew I was keeping tabs on you," Grover said. "I needed to watch you in case something happened. It doesn't matter how I got here. You shouldn't have left the bus terminal on your own."

"Okay, okay, cool, cool. Uh... why am I just now finding this out?"

"You would've been told a few hours ago, but you left on your own. And plus, the less you knew the fewer monsters you'd attract," Grover answered and suddenly, something clicked. A flash of Greek and Roman mythology class flickered in my mind. Mr. Brunner had been talking about Satyrs that day. I didn't want to dwell on it, but my mind wouldn't shut up. Lots of things started clicking into place.

"You acted like the Kindly One you encountered didn't happen and it threw us off. It didn't faze you. It's like it didn't even scare you," Grover continued. "We figured you'd start figuring out who you were, but you didn't act like it."

"You mean like how I can breathe underwater and that shit?"

"Wait, what?" My mother stopped me. "You mean you knew?!"

"Knew what?! What the fuck are you both talking about? What am I supposed to be?" I asked. "Wait a fuckin' second."

My mind started figuring things out like a stupid puzzle.

A weird bellowing noise came from behind us, and I almost drove us off of the road. I had heard it before, but now it was louder, closer, and angrier.

"Allie, there's not enough time. I know you have questions, but we have to get you to safety before we can answer everything. Please, Allie, I will tell you everything you need to know, but I can't right now. Take a left up here, go straight, and take the third right."

a story as endless as the ocean . pjo / allie jacksonWhere stories live. Discover now