
Flower looked back, relived as Pie wasn't even trying. Match was watching, seeing Pie so close to the edge. She was worried as she began to run, knowing she couldn't let what she could see about to happen, happen. 

Flower was just a few steps away, practically right there, when Pie slipped off the crude, rocky stairs, falling down. Her face was expressionless as she fell past Black Hole whose gravity caught her and caused her to be thrown upwards. As she soared, Flower began speed walking up the steps, her pink non stick shoes making it hard to keep balanced.

Yet, Match was also there, grabbing Pie by the arm as she flew past. "Oh no you don't! Not to my, like, teammate!!!" she proclaimed, yanking her arm down and causing both of them to slam into the the side of the stairs, just as Flower got to the top, pressing the button just in time. But, she accidently stepped on the air, just as her hand pressed the button. Unable to keep her footing, she fell forward and began to plummet. Yet, her leg was caught by Match whom was holding onto the ledge with her other hand and Pie on the wall with her Knee.

"O...OMG!!! We almost caused death!!!?" Black Hole gasped as Remote looked at him with an annoyed look.

"You see? I told you we should've tried to win. Instead, we almost caused more death." Remote retorted, annoyed at what had just happened yet relived Match had prevented the deaths. "You know, Match has prevented more death then you." she added, still irritated.

"I....agh fine We'll...focus on Challenges as well as Death Prevention." he replied, still in shock and a little taken aback by Remote's witty remark. Flying up, he hovered next to the 3.

"Hey, sorry about that. That was actually pretty good death prevention there. Maybe after our next elimination you'd like to join us?" Black hole asked Match as she, Flower and Pie began floating around him.

Match looked down at her team. Ruby and Bubble were sat together. Lighting Fanny and Snowball were talking too. She looked back at Black hole. "Yeah but, no. I, like, can't leave my team right now. Sorry." she replied, to both his and Pie's disappointment. "We understand." Black Hole responded as Match and Flower landed in the midst of their team.

"And now, iance is safe. Which means Death Pact is up for elimination." Four said as the members of Death pact were shown, along with the words, "Vote the eliminate" next to their names. "Type the letter and square brackets for the person you want to eliminate." he added.


The Next Episode....

Screeches and warping sounds could be heard as Death Pact walked away from the new elimination tables, one less Pie on their team. Everyone gathered around as the two hosts stood, something off about them.

"Hey guys. Do four and x seem......off in any way?" Ruby asked her team and a few others. X blinked a slow blink while Four stood back, a little bit of anxiousness on their face.

"Well, X does look a bit.....scrampier then usual.... "Tree remarked. "And for some reason, he sucked up Pie today.".

"X" looked dejected by the word Tree had used. His mouth opened as a shriek escaped his throat, revealing the yellow skinned algebraian to turn into Four. Tree collapsed, dizzy with his ears ringing as "Four" turned back into X, to everyone's gasp. "YOYLE CAKE!!!?" Bubble gasped, staring in shock at the two transformed algebraians. 

"Today's challenge is a tricky one for you teams. Just like how me and X were swapped, one of your team members will be swapped. I'll take the mind of one of your team members and place it in the body of another member of a different team." Four explained as a series of rooms appeared behind him. "You have to guess which of your team members is the imposter. Last team to guess will be, up for Elimination.".

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