Game - SeungBin

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Seungmin x Changbin

Warnings: none

Relationship: friends



Changbin woke up to see himself in a dark place. He assumed was sitting on a concrete ground by the roughness. He then turned his head and saw something. It was a candle. It was the only thing giving him light as of right now. He went to stand up and reach for it and that's when noticed something was wrong.

One of his hands was handcuffed to a pole.

He sat back down and then heard some rustling. Almost like someone was with him. He turned to where the noise was coming from but of course he saw nothing.

He then heard footsteps coming towards him and he shut his eyes. He heard them sit next to him and that made him more scared.

He felt the heat of the candle wash away as whatever was with him picked it up.

He then felt the heat so close to his face that some wax droplets almost landed on his cheeks.

"Changbin hyung!"

Changbin opened his eyes at the familiar voice.

"Hyung it's me Seungmin!"

Changbin saw Seungmin place the candle next to his own face. The light illuminated his face and then Changbin saw it was truly Seungmin.

As Seungmin lowered down the candle he scooted closer to his hyung and placed the candle in between them.

And finally Changbin spoke.

"Why are we in all white?" He said looking down.

They couldn't see much but the little light they had was enough to make them realize they weren't in the same clothing as before.

They both wore a long sleeve shirt with the seems falling apart as well as white pants and shoes.

Every piece of clothing was white. Including the socks.

"That's weird what the fuck!" Changbin slightly yelled.

Seungmin nodded.

"Why don't we go explore this place?" Seungmin spoke up.

"I can't."

Seungmin looked at Changbin confused.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm handcuffed to the pole I'm leaning on!" Changbin shouted.

Seungmin looked around just to see nothing but darkness.

"I'm gonna have to take the candle and leave you for a bit if you want me to get you out hyung."

Changbin agreed and he watched as Seungmin gently took the candle and walked away. The light slowly disappearing.

How big was this place?


Changbin had fallen asleep waiting for Seungmin.

An hour had gone by and still no Seungmin.

Changbin then woke up to someone's foot steps. He hoped it was Seungmin and was correct once he saw the candles light.

Seungmin ran up to him out of breath. He stuck his hand out, having an item in his hand.

"I found it hyung! Sorry for taking long I got lost."

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