Can't you see hyung? - 2Min

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Seungmin x Minho

Warnings: none

Relationship: friends (seungmin likes minho though)

There's no Han in this story



Seungmin has been admiring Minho from afar for some time now.

Minho just can't seem to notice.

By now Seungmin has noticed every little detail about him. That's how long it's been.

He loves the cute mole on the side of his nose, how he blinks a lot when hes excited about something, how he switches hands when writing, how his big brown eyes smile at you as well when he smiles, and much more.

He can't tell Minho how much he loves him though.

Never in a million years could he do that.

Minho has eyes for someone else. Seungmin wished it was him whom Minho had eyes for.

But Minho didn't. Minho never looked in his direction, only the boy he has his eyes on.

Minho doesn't notice the little things about Seungmin, only the boy.

It was only the boy who Minho liked and no one else.

Oh how Seungmin wished to be Jeongin.

Of course Minho liked Jeongin. He was the youngest and the cutest. Seungmin couldn't compare with him.

He never dared to either knowing everyone will just pick Jeongin.

He just wanted Minho, but that would never be possible. Jeongin also seems to like Minho.

He hated that. Seungmin wanted Minho all to himself. But so did Jeongin apparently.


It's now been a couple of months and things are still the same except for the fact Seungmin had gotten into writing.

He had recently purchased a diary and poured out his feelings into it.

Which is why he's sitting on his bed, writing in his diary instead of sleeping. He had tears running down his face as he wrote.

Minho I love you so fucking much. Why can't you just notice me? I know you like Jeongin, I can tell from the way you look at him. Does Jeongin have something I don't? I wish I was him. That way I can now for sure you'll like me. Your eyes shine when you look at him but when you look at me there colorless, dull and cold. Please, I'm begging, love me.

He closed his diary, closing the lock on the side and hiding the key in his drawer. He sighed before laying down on his bed this time.

He closed his eyes and went to sleep, dreaming of the one person he'll never have.


Seungmin woke up crying. He dreamt of Minho telling him that he liked him and not Jeongin and that he was just overthinking how he looked at him.

But of course it was all fake. He never said that.

He wanted to cry more when he saw Minho sneak out Jeongins room when making breakfast.

Why couldn't Minho just like him back? That's all he wanted. It wasn't killing anyone. So why couldn't he have him?


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