Can I Confess? Pt.2 - MinChan ft. Changbin

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Minho x Chan

Warnings: suicide

Relationship: friends



A week later after the confession

The dismembered body of Lee Felix, a famous singer from the K-Pop group Stray Kids has been found.

That's the first thing Chan saw when he turned the news on that morning.

He was panicking. There's no way they had found his body! No, they couldn't have, how did they find it?!

"Minho!" Chan yelled out.

Minho went running to the living room and saw Chan standing in the middle of it on verge of tears. He glanced at the TV that was on and now saw why he was about to cry.

He immediately went up to hug him.

"Chan, it's going to be okay don't worry."

"No it isn't! They found his body!"

"Who's body?"

Changbin had walked into the apartment.


He went to the living room with them and saw the screen.

He started crying and went to join Minho and Chan, who was now crying too, in the hug.

"I'm sorry that this happened Chan hyung."

Changbin was comforting Chan thinking that he crying because Felix was dead. But no. It's because the police might find out that he killed Felix.

They couldn't though right? He did a great job with killing him. There's no way they can find out right? Just as long as Minho doesn't open his mouth.

He knows he wouldn't though.


Everyone has been comforting Chan since they found out the news. Minho was the only one who knew the actual reason on why Chan was bursting out sobbing.

Did he tell on Chan? No. He also doesn't know how they found his body. He loves Chan more than a friend to the point the he would hide the fact that Chan committed murder on their friend.

"It will all be okay Chan hyung, we are here for you." Hyunjin had told Chan who was drowning in his tears.

Chan wanted this all to end. He didn't want to keep living with the fear of getting caught.

Until he did.


"Chan hyung, I know you killed him. I know you killed Felix."

It was Changbin. It was midnight and Minho wasn't in the room with Chan that night.

"And I know that Minho hyung knows too but isn't saying anything."

"No you're lying! Please say you're lying."

"How do you think the police found out?"

"You told them?"

"Of course, unlike someone."

Chan started crying. He's been caught. He didn't want to do this anymore.

Changbin left and that's when he decided he was going to take his own life.


The next morning Minho let out a loud scream that was followed with sobs.

Chan was on the floor, in a pool of his own blood and dead.

He wanted this to all be a dream. Chan was gone. His Chan. The Chan he told himself that he would end up together with aside from the big secret they shared.

He dropped to knees and hugged his body not caring about all the blood on him.

All the members woke up and ran to Chans room to see Minho hugging Chans lifeless body.

"Minho! What happened?"

"He's gone!" Minho choked out.

Seungmin picked up a journal that was on the bed and read it out loud.

If you're reading this I'm dead. I took my own life not wanting to continue with this big secret. I'm a murderer. You must be wondering who I killed? Well you know how one of our members is gone? Theres your answer, I killed Felix. I told Minho about a week ago but it wasn't him who said anything, it was Changbin. Changbin outed me and I got too stressed out so this is the outcome. I'm sorry. I truly am. Especially to Minho. Minho, I love you and I'll always be with you even if you can't see me. I'll tell Felix I'm sorry too. Goodbye.

Minho had stopped crying and let go of Chans body. He stood up and pushed Changbin to the floor.

"You are the reason he took his life?! You fucking idiot! I hate you!"

He was punching and hitting Changbin till he got pulled away.

"That's enough Minho. We have things to talk about as a group now." Han said trying to separate him off Changbin.

"No! He took my Channie away from me!"

"Minho he killed someone! Not just someone but Felix!"

"I don't care I love him!"

Minho had stopped beating up Changbin and just sobbed. He knew it was wrong but he couldn't help it.


Famous singer Bang Chan, of the popular K-Pop Stray Kids, has been found dead due to suicide. He was also the killer of the mysterious death of Lee Felix, his own band member.

Not proofread or edited

Authors note: this might be my last one shot for awhile until I get motivation to write a lot again. I'm sorry. Stay safe!

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