Another? - HyunBin

503 6 10

Changbin x Hyunjin

Warnings: none

Relationship: friends


Not requested but written for Bahngbang


"Binnie! Here!"

Hyunjin said as he handed something over to Changbin.

They were having a picnic on a sunny Saturday afternoon under a tree. They had planned this day a week ago and were very excited for the day.

"Oh a bracelet! Thank you."

"Of course, I made it! I have a matching one look!"

Hyunjin said raising his arm up for Changbin to see the bracelet around his wrist.

"That's so cute oh my god!"

Hyunjin then reached for his bag. He went through it until he pulled something out.

"Here, I wrote it for you."

He said passing a folded paper to Changbin.

He opened it and saw it was a handwritten letter from him.

"You are so old school when it comes to showing love but it's cute don't worry."

"Oh shut the fuck or I won't write you one ever again."


"Binnie, follow me I painted you something!"

Its been 2 weeks since the picnic and now they were at Hyunjins house.

"Slow down I'm old I can't run that fast."

"Oh stop complaining!"

When they reached Hyunjins room he passed a canvas to Changbin.

"I painted the picnic scene from two weeks ago!"

"Woah how can you remember that?"

"Good memory, do you like it tho?"

"Of course I do!"

"Yeah you better or I won't paint you something else again!"

"Oh and here!"

Hyunjin passed a folded piece of paper to him.


"Yeah I'm sorry."

"It's okay, I love them."


"Hyunjin really?!"

They were at a park when all the sudden Hyunjin pulled out his sketch book from his bag,ripped a page out and handed it to Changbin.

"I drew it for you yesterday!" Hyunjin said very happily.

"Thank you. It's cute I like it."

"Oh yeah and here!" Hyunjin said rummaging through his bag and pulling a piece of colorful paper out.

"Another one?"

"Yeah but it's different this time! I wrote it on pink paper."

Both of them laughed at the comment.


Hyunjin giving Changbin something and a note everytime they hung out kept happening.

Changbin was happy about it. He was happy Hyunjin cared enough to put effort into hadmade gifts and letters for him.

He was happy to have someone like Hyunjin.


They were going to meet up at Changbins place today. Hyunjin knocked on the door and was met with Changbin wearing the necklace he had given him last week.

While going to his room Hyunjin noticed the canvas of the picnic area that he painted was hung in the living room.

He smiled knowing that Changbin liked his gifts. From new to old ones. Like the matching bracelets Hyunjin made that Changbin always wore and is wearing.

When they got to his room, instead of the posters Changbin normally had up, it was Hyunjins drawings that were given to him.

"You kept everything I gave you?"

"Yeah, everything. Even the letters."


"Yeah, there in a box under my bed. Wanna see?"

Hyunjin nodded and Changbin squatted down and reached under his bed. He pulled out a blue box, one Hyunjin had decorated to put one of his gifts inside.

"Here." He handed it over to Hyunjin.

He opened it and saw all the many letters he had given him. He reached into his bag, pulled a pastel yellow paper out and placed it in the box.

"Well here's another one to your collection." Hyunjin smiled and gave the box back to Changbin.

Not proofread or edited

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