I continued further smiling..

"Years went by and I turned into a mischievous boy, I would run here and there and make sure my parents are always on their toes for me, I still remember Papa saying that he will get old before time taking care of me, but it was also true that I was a bit slow than other kids my age, one because I would often fall sick and the another reason was my parents protectiveness, I was their first child and already dealt with many deathly sickness that made them immensely protective and worried for me, they would keep me inside the house most of the time only allowing me to play when they are around me, and that led me to be the pray to various bullies.." I took a deep breath remembering the past while Bondita looked at me wide eyed

"I hated my parents at a point if I am being honest Bondita and I hated my little sister as well when she was born well because having no friends meant I had only my parents to speak to, but after Dhani's birth they got busy in taking care of her, they didn't wanted for Dhani to go through same as me, but I was a young kid who just wanted to live normal life, make friends, and laugh around.." Bondita was listening to me intently holding my hands

"As years went by I started to grow up and came into my teen phase, the hate in me had subsided as I understood why my parents did what they did, going to school, coming back and studying all day was the only part of my life, I still used to get bullied but I ignored it as much as I can, I didn't wanted to trouble my parents who were already facing financial crises..and then I hit the age of vulnerability i.e I turned 18, everything started to feel new around me, I entered college and realised that no one was judging me here, and so I decided to live the life that I always wanted to live, the life where no one can count me as someone below them.." I said and felt tears blurring my vision

"That was the worst decision of my life, I met new people and made friends but didn't realise that I was interacting with wrong people, everything felt right to me because for once I wasn't being bullied and was being treated as someone superior, my friends were a year elder to me, they were seniors and they were using me for their own benefit, they wanted money and I gave them the money earned by my father's hardwork, and in return they showed me the door of sinful things and somewhere in my heart I knew I was doing wrong but I couldn't stop myself from wanting the sinful freedom.." I mumbled and Bondita washed away my tears with her fingers

"They taught me how to smoke, they forced me to drink alcohol, and then they took me to the club, my days went in goofing around in the college and nights went in smoking and drinking with friends, and then one day I stumbled upon this beautiful girl in my class, Smriti, she was a scholar student and had managed to captivate me with her sweet talks and beauty, it was my first time crushing over a girl, and so I found myself drifting towards her everytime she even blinked at me.." I said and looked at Bondita she did not look a bit affected by my confession

"We eventually came into relationship and I was over moon when she had agreed to be my girlfriend, but then few weeks later I realised that I did not feel anything for Smriti anymore she was just a crush not someone with whom I would like to spend my life with.."

"That's why, when you got to know about my liking, you thought it was just a mere crush?" Bondita asked me and I chuckled nodding

"Yes, 18 was the age of numerous teachings for me Bondita, that's why I always reprimand the kids who turn 18..anyways I decided to end everything with Smriti and so when she called me over to meet her in a club I went, and I told her I didn't like her and wanted to breakup, she got angry and started to act like mad, she started to fight with me and then suddenly started to cry loudly gaining the attention of people's present in the club, when asked why was she crying she told them that I misbehaved with her and as a result I was beaten black and blue until a police officer came and took me to the police station.." I shuddered remembering everything and felt Bondita caressing my back

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