"Can you feel your limbs?"

I swallowed to give at least the slightest moisture to my throat before nodding, "Fairly."

He looked deep in thought as he stared at my current condition before gently holding my arm.

"I'll get you out of here." He held my gaze in a firm promise before moving as though he was intending for me to ride on his back.

I immediately thought it was a terrible idea.

"I can walk!" I mustered out an argument, refusing to be carried.

"Don't be stubborn, M/n. I can see how you can barely move your legs. I'll carry you back to the cabin, no questions asked." Erwin wasn't hearing 'no' for an answer.

I didn't want to be carried in the same manner I did Flagon. I felt and experienced it firsthand how difficult it made things more. After all, a person's strength can be greatly penalized in this weather condition.

Maybe except Miche, that guy's a bear.

Seeing my lack of willingness, he turned to face me and closed the proximity. His hand found the upper part of my head and began to brush it in a ghost touch, one that I could barely even feel.

Not that I could feel things like normal in this current situation.

His eyes held a concerned glint, one that was soft yet determined. I always knew this; he was a gentle and careful man with a kind touch. He was not rough, a brute, or one of violence.

That's exactly why it had been so easy to trust him in the first place.

"I don't want you to freeze out here in the cold, M/n." The way he spoke was like feather to my ears. The smoothness of his baritone voice reminding me of sunday masses, family dinners, walks to the neighbor's house.

It was welcoming, always had a tone that naturally drew people in.

"You've done enough. Now let me help you." He pleaded with me with that desperate look in his eyes, one that made me swallow sinfully despite the gravity of the situation.

How could I ever refuse him? He already laid his claims upon my mortal being, saying that it included my spiritual soul would not even count as farfetched.

I had been pulled deeper into the black hole and I don't think I could ever escape him.

And so, I gave in.

He gave me the luxury to be comfortable as I leaned tiredly against his shoulder, arms timidly circling around his frame with no force into them.

I could feel the way his muscles flex underneath all the layers of clothing that separated direct touch.

Erwin was silent and gave no signs of struggling, unlike I who had been gasping for life with my death walk with Flagon. It reminded me just how beneath all the fancy clothing Erwin puts on, he did hide a testament (in the form of a body) of all the work and effort he gives.

He was not like me. He did not mind the cold as much as I did, and he definitely did not skip out on daily exercises.

"Tell me if I'm too heavy." I weakly mustered out, lighting up the atmosphere as he chuckled— and I could feel it as his body rumbled a very light vibration.

"You can never be too heavy for me, M/n. What use would all my strength be if I can't even lift you up?"

I tried not to let his words get to me.

He's just a friend, M/n. I repeated like a broken instrument in my head. Everything is platonic. I added in as well, just incase I ever forgot.

"You can rest on me." Erwin informed me without tearing his eyes off the path. "I know you're tired and cold. Don't worry, I'm going to get you something warm as soon as we arrive. For now, just rest."

His voice was lulling for my drifting consciousness.

Had his back always been this comfortable? Do piggy back rides normally feel this comfortable?

No. I suppose it's just because it's Erwin.

Every stride of his felt solid, not a tremble or a hint of hesitation upon pushing forward. He showed no struggle in the face of adversity and I really admired that about him.

Before I knew it, I found myself swayed by the comfort he radiated.

My head soon finding the crook of his neck a comfy place from the warmth it radiated. I know I was cold, my skin must have felt like ice to touch— I knew that myself with that much self-awareness. And although I was certain he could feel it too, he showed no indication of actually acknowledging it.

He didn't point it out or shrugged me off because it felt like ice cubes were being poured down on him.

He just didn't mind.

My consciousness was drifting and I didn't even notice how I was nuzzling into him, but I did feel how the grip of his hands holding me tighten ever-so-slightly. His muscles tensing.

I pulled back slightly, feeling awkward at how I let my guard down briefly.

I cleared my parched throat, "Sorry." I mutter.

His thumbs rubbed soothing circles against the layers of clothing that separated his direct touch from my skin.

"I asked you to rest, didn't I? Don't mind me too much—don't mind me at all."

And I didn't know if the heat slowly climbing up my chest was the result of the external heat he provided or the internal warmth being with him brought me.

✓ bizarre love triangle ; erwin smithWhere stories live. Discover now