Sometimes, money was the best passport.

Another reason she hesitated to stay in a hotel was that, after changing her appearance and traveling this far, she had spent more than 300 yuan in a short period. She had no spare money left. If she didn't find a way to make some, honestly, life would become unbearable.

Huo Junxian had not only isolated her socially but had also arranged people near hotels and motels. She had calculated that wherever Gu Siyu went, she would need a place to stay.

Huo Junxian was really...

During her student days, Gu Siyu used to frequent places like this. She was a bit of a gangster, surrounded by a few lackeys. She would pick on honest people for some easy money.

After a while, the police educated her, and as Gu Siyu had a fierce temper and was good at fighting, the owner of the internet cafe asked her to be a network administrator. She could earn five to six hundred yuan a month.

Thinking back to those difficult days, Gu Siyu asked a waiter for a pot of hot water. Using a paper cup, she brewed a packet of cold medicine, stirring the medicine bag into the water.

After leaving the internet cafe job, she vowed never to step into such a lowly place again, never take even half a step inside for the rest of her life. Whenever she recalled those past days, she felt humiliated.

Gu Siyu drank the medicine, took out all the money from her pocket, and began counting. At the moment she slapped the table, even if she had billions in her bank account, she only had one thought: too poor.

Two one-hundred yuan bills and the rest were coins. Added together, it was 403 yuan.

What could she do with 403 yuan?

Gu Siyu pinched her brow, checked for train tickets on the computer, and found that taking a plane would be faster. A ticket over 200 yuan could take her out of the province. Huo Junxian had pressed her too hard, causing her two attempts to escape without detailed plans. This time, she definitely needed to organize properly.

She took a notebook, copied down the place name, closed her eyes, pointed randomly, and circled the location where her finger landed.

She opened her eyes, looked at the place name, and drew a circle with a pen. Taking a deep breath, it was an unfamiliar place she had never been to before. It was good, a chance to start anew.

Next, she checked travel guides, determined how to earn money and where to stay. She didn't want to end up with problems related to food and accommodation.

Finally, she bought a ticket. Gu Siyu dared not use her identity to purchase it. If Huo Junxian reported to the police and they found information during the check, she would be caught within a second after getting off the train.

After much consideration, the safest option was carpooling.

Gu Siyu found a carpooling public account, joined a carpooling group, and decided to observe for a night. Once she confirmed it was safe and reliable, she would arrange a meeting time with them. Carpooling would be a bit more expensive, and after getting off the car, she would only have money for meals.

Gu Siyu absentmindedly opened the trending search page. What caught her eye were familiar words. She didn't intend to click on it but accidentally moved the mouse, and a photo popped up.

She remained expressionless, unable to force a smile.

Sure enough.

As soon as Huo Junxian's missing person notice came out, netizens started circulating it online. Unsurprisingly, it quickly gained attention and attracted a group of do-gooders. Besides gossiping about her and Huo Junxian's story, most of the comments were filled with laughter at the amusement provided by this missing person notice.

Because the notice gained popularity so quickly, with high levels of discussion, official responses were received promptly, stating that the matter was under investigation.

Under investigation...

Huo Junxian, you really leave no stone unturned.

With the effect of the medicine kicking in, Gu Siyu lay on the table, massaging her temples. She gritted her teeth, trying to console herself. It would be fine; when Huo Junxian used to play games with her, she never found her. How could she easily locate her this time?

She pressed her temples, her throat burning and sore, breathing causing pain. She dared not drink too much of the medicine, poured hot water, and waited for it to cool down. However, as she waited, she fell asleep.

Indeed, Huo Junxian left no stone unturned. It wasn't just the police or the public; even some well-meaning netizens joined the search. Influential bloggers, detective enthusiasts, and suspense authors all flocked to participate, analyzing online where Gu Siyu might run to.

Gu Siyu, without money, would certainly not go to a hotel. So, internet cafes and cheap motels were the best choices. If she were more cautious, she might choose internet cafes under lax management, places she knew well.

Some netizens were even more idle, staying up late into the night. They mentioned the authorities while marking on maps all the black internet cafes in the city.

The information online changed dramatically. Those night owls, not eating, not drinking, not sleeping, thoroughly investigated Gu Siyu's background and guessed her plans.

Huo Junxian visited a black internet cafe for the first time. The smell and environment were entirely incompatible with her style. She wore expensive black ankle boots, straight black trousers, showcasing her long and slender legs, with a hint of ankle peeking out, radiating a powerful aura.

Her imposing presence was too strong, causing the people using the internet to glance at her, thinking that she was a wealthy person coming to discipline rebellious children.

The internet cafe's curtains were tightly drawn, the smell of cheap smoke lingered, and the table was littered with various snacks. The mixture of pungent cigarette smoke and the strong smell of instant noodles made the place nauseating.

Various vulgar curses and keyboard sounds mingled together, causing Huo Junxian to furrow her brows.

Chen Tao handed her a handkerchief, and Huo Junxian stood at the door, covering her nose. She didn't step further inside.

Chen Tao called someone over to investigate. During the investigation, from head to tail, a few troublemakers thought they were being targeted and stood up to confront Chen Tao's team. Chen Tao pressed them back with a slap, and when one troublemaker started hurling insults, Chen Tao delivered several more slaps to his head, leaving him immobilized.

Gu Siyu had a headache all day. The medicine finally took effect, and she was peacefully sleeping with her head on the table. Amid the occasional sound of objects being thrown outside, she drifted in and out of consciousness. Not fully awake, she suddenly remembered Huo Junxian upon hearing the commotion, instantly snapping to attention.

The door was knocked loudly, and the outside voices were somewhat chaotic. The person speaking had a calm tone, "Break the door, you'll pay for it later."

A few bangs, and the door was kicked open.


Translator's note: Wahahaha... Ala~~ Gu Siyu was about to be captured 😂. Siyu, wake up and run for your life! Wahahaha...


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