First hunt

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The next day, after Jake has linked to his Avatar, he is standing with Ka'ani, Saeyla and Tezä on the main level of Hometree.

"Are you excited for your first hunt, Jake?" Tezä asks.

Jake glances  over at Ka'ani and Saeyla, their expressions aren't very welcoming, and he can tell these two definitely don't like him but he just ignores it and continues focusing on  Tezä.

"It's going to be an experience, that's for sure." Jake replies, sounding a bit excited but also slightly anxious.

"You'll do great! And even if you don't succeed your first time, there's always next time." Tezä says confidently with a smile.

"Thanks, I appreciate the encouragement." Jake says, smiling at her.

Jake looks over at Ka'ani and Saeyla who still don't seem too thrilled about him being there and are just talking between themselves.

Tezä's smile fades into an irrated look at she looks back at Ka'ani and Saeyla.

"Are you two just going to stand there silently like a bunch of skxawngs, or are you going to talk to him?" Tezä asks them in Na'vi.

Ka'ani and Saeyla look over at Jake, they don't seem happy about being called out like this.

Jake just looks back and forth between them, kind of confused as to what's going on.

"Do I need to call Vitxyillì?" Tezä asks in Na'vi.

Saeyla goes a bit pale when Tezä says that, and Ka'ani looks like he's about to piss himself.

Jake still looks between the two of them, confused but also he can't lie, a bit amused now.

"N-no, we'll talk to him." Saeyla says in Na'vi as she looks at Ka'ani before they turn to face Jake.

Jake's expression remains neutral, not wanting to get into an argument, even if he finds this interaction kind of funny.

Jake  knows that Ka'ani and Saeyla  don't even like him, even though he hasn't really done anything to them.

Tezä watches the conversation closely, making sure Seayla and Ka'ani are respectful to Jake and speaking English so there's no language barrier, as while Jake is getting the hand of Na'vi, he still struggles occasionally.
On a higher level in Hometree, Vitxyillì sits with Räi, Neytiri, Otayä and Tsu'tey who are all talking with each other.

However, Vitxyillì is more focused on this wooden bead accessory she's been working on for a few days now, rather than having an actual conversation.

It's a nice smooth, hard wooden piece Vitxyillì's working on.

Vitxyillì occasionally looks up and stares at Neytiri's markings without saying anything before going back to carving, trying to copy the patterns as best as possible.

Vitxyillì smiles to herself once she's  done making the bead.

The bead is pretty good, but Vitxyillì wants other people's opinions before she gives it to Neytiri.

Vitxyillì stares at Otayä and she leans over and pokes his ribs.

Otayä jumps a bit when Vitxyillì pokes his ribs, and then  he start to chuckle a bit as he looks over at her and gives her a small smile.

"Otayä what do you think of this?" Vitxyillì asks softly, showing him the bead while blocking it from Neytiri's sight.

Otayä stares at the bead, admiring it and he seems pretty impressed with Vitxyillì's work on it.

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