I (don't) love me some family drama. Oh well. 'Forbidden' love for the win.

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Vitxyillì looks at Räi and holds his hand, squeezing it lovingly as they return to Hometree.

"Should we tell them separately or together?" Räi asks.

"Can we tell our families separately and then meet up after?" Vitxyillì asks, knowing her parents will be judgmental.

"Of course." Räi says softly and kisses her temple.

Vitxyillì and Räi go off separately to gather their family and tell them alone.
Slänslll, Sunsuìo, Otayä and Tezä look at Vitxyillì curiously as she's gathered them somewhere private.

"What's going on? Is something wrong? Are you hurt?" Otayä asks frantically, his stress clear.

Vitxyillì smiles softly at Otayä.

"Nothing is wrong, nothing at all. I just want to tell you something." Vitxyillï says softly.

"Oh? Do tell us the good news." Tezä says excitedly, her tail wagging with anticipation.

Vitxyillì takes a deep breath to prepare herself.

"I am mated to someone." Vitxyillì says, her voice is strong and firm.

"Oh! I'm so happy for you! Congratulations! Is he or she nice-" Tezä starts to ask but she's cut off.

"What?!" Sunsuìo asks sharply.

Otayä eyes their father with disdain and moves toward Vitxyillì protectively.

Vitxyillì stands strong and she maintains eye contact with Sunsuìo, not backing down.

"You've heard me. I am mated." Vitxyillì says firmly.

Sunsuìo scoffs and his lip curls in a scowl and his eyes narrowing as he looks at Vitxyillì.

Sunsuìo's look of disdain only makes Vitxyillì even more determined.

"I am happy for you, sister." Otayä tells her while his back to to their parents.

"So am I." Tezä chimes in.

Sunsuìo opens his mouth to say something cruel but he is silenced by Slänslll raising her hand.

"With who are you mated with?" Slänslll asks.

"Räi." Vitxyillì replies.

Sunsuìo scoffs and his eyes narrow.

Slänslll looks at Vitxyillì silently for a moment.

Otayä and Tezä are not surprised.

"Vitxyillì, my sweet daughter... I fear you have fallen for an idiot... Räi is not the brightest Na'vi." Slänslll says tauntingly.

Tezä and Otayä share a look before they both glare at their parents.

Vitxyillì takes a deep breath, keeping her head held high.

"I believe you are mistaken, mother." Vitxyillì says firmly.

"And how so?" Slänslll asks, her tone condescending and patronizing.

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