Chapter 21 - The Shadow Grows

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Chapter Twenty-One

The Shadow Grows

“Did you send for me, Lady Hannah?” Selina bowed to the blonde woman, never failing to feel mesmerized by her beauty.

“Yes, Miss Beatrice, I did.” Hannah smiled wide at her and got up from her chair. They were both inside Hannah’s private chambers, which had the kind of warmth and brilliance the rest of the mansion seemed to lack. It was like a whole new place, like it belonged in a completely different house. The sun shined brighter in there, the colors were more vivid – like Lady Hannah had the amazing gift to spread her light and beauty throughout everything that surrounded her.

“What can I do for you then, my lady?”

“Nothing,” Hannah simply answered, approaching Selina with a cheerful step. “I just wanted to talk to you.”

“Oh,” Selina’s eyes widened in surprise, but she got over it pretty quickly. “As you wish, Lady Hannah.”

To her continued surprise, when she lifted her head again, Lady Hannah was standing close to her, close enough to touch her. She was still smiling and seemed to be studying Selina with great interest and approval.

“You are so beautiful,” she told Selina, again taking her by surprise and making her slightly blush. Selina’s shock only increased when Hannah lifted her hand and gently brushed it against her black hair. “You walk with the grace of a lady, not of a servant, and you exude purity.”

“Thank you, my lady,” Selina answered, still lost in confusion. “You are too kind.”

Hannah giggled. “I can see why he likes you so.”

Selina eyed her with even more surprise and added concern bordering on panic. If Hannah was talking about Jack, it would certainly mean the end of her stay in that house. How could she possibly know? Victor would be furious.

“I don’t understand…”

“Of course you don’t,” Hannah interrupted, walking away from her, still bearing the same cheerful smile. “Don’t worry about it, dear. This matter will not leave this room.” She turned to Selina again. “Consider me a friend.”

Selina remained silent. She felt extremely anxious, nervous and frightened, despite Hannah’s soothing words and friendly attitude. This could not be good.

“And it is because I am such a good friend that I am here to give you a warning.”

Hannah’s smile disappeared, though she still displayed the same gentle tone and the same warm stance.

“I know what is happening between you and Jack.” Selina tried to speak, but Hannah calmly lifted her hand to gracefully demand silence. “I know that he feels… attraction towards you and you reciprocate it.” She then added, in a kind voice, when she saw Selina losing her color. “But do not worry, dear Beatrice. I understand. I understand why you would feel the way you do towards him and why he would feel it too.”

“Lady Hannah, I-“

“I must warn you, though.” Hannah interrupted her again, like she had never even attempted to speak. “Because I don’t want to see you suffer. I like you, Beatrice. You have a kind soul. I don’t wish you to suffer from a broken heart. Heartbreak has a way to change the core of a woman. I would not like to see you get broken, you have too much light in you and it would be a shame if you were to lose it.”

“What do you mean?” Selina did not like where this was going. She had a terrible feeling. Her mind was screaming for her to run away from that room as fast as possible. She almost forgot who Lady Hannah was and that she owed the woman her respect and submission. She was almost feeling angry at her, something that she wasn’t used to feel, especially considering how friendly Hannah was being.

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