"It can. I have shares in that hospital," Huo Junxian reassured her. "Don't worry."

"Send me back later," Gu Siyu said.

"Let's go to my place first," Huo Junxian's voice was gentle. "I'll take care of you. You still need to rest well in these initial days."

"Ah, I'm fine now. Why take care of me? You take good care of yourself," Gu Siyu smiled and said, "I'm not some spoiled princess for you to serve."

"You being carefree like this worries me more than when you cried," Huo Junxian looked concerned.

Gu Siyu blinked, feeling uncomfortable. She wanted to smoke but couldn't in the car.

"Well, what should I do? I'll cry again. If I cry, will you feel at ease?" Gu Siyu said, "You know, I have no idea how to react. It's embarrassing for me to cry. I'm in good condition now. So, no more scratching my back. If I do, just tie me up, okay?"

Gu Siyu compromised.

"That's why I'm afraid," Huo Junxian said.

Gu Siyu raised an eyebrow. "Just because you're afraid, doesn't mean I'll listen to everything you say, Huo Junxian." She said firmly, "You can rest assured. It won't happen again... I'm scared of pain, too scared."

Huo Junxian remained silent for a while, then said, "Okay."

The car stopped in the community. Gu Siyu went in first, followed by Huo Junxian. The corridor was tidy; it seemed Huo Junxian had someone clean it.

Possibly due to stress, Gu Siyu felt uncomfortable everywhere. She pushed the door open, and the room was clean, without the musty smell of the changing seasons.

Gu Siyu entered the living room and saw a box beside the sofa. The box was empty, and a black bird was eating inside a cage.

She touched the bird, and it didn't resist. She stared at the bird, "Did you know I had a serious illness, so you were a bit nicer to me?"

The bird continued pecking at its food without responding.

Gu Siyu sighed.

The bird was calm and seemed tamed.

Gu Siyu stood up, hands on her waist, and took a deep breath. She calmly asked, "Did my bird fly away?"

Huo Junxian stood there for a while before answering, "Yes."

"Perhaps it was timid. I sent someone to feed it, and it immediately flew up, bumped into things, and finally flew out of your bedroom window."

"Oh," Gu Siyu calmly accepted the fact.

Huo Junxian had dinner at her place, helped her take a bath, and then left. Gu Siyu didn't go to see her off. She looked down from the balcony, and Huo Junxian, wearing a windbreaker, had a sturdy figure. In the twilight, she appeared warm. Huo Junxian turned her head, and in the moment when the wind lifted her hair, Gu Siyu felt it was a scene she could remember for a lifetime.

At night, Gu Siyu lay on the bed, hands on her face, curled up. Unable to sleep, she got up again, took a cigarette from the drawer, lit it, and smoked. She opened a crack in the window.

The cheap tobacco lingered in the room. Having not smoked for some time, the smell made Gu Siyu nauseous. The stars in the sky were scattered, and there wasn't much to see. Lost in thought, a spark from the cigarette fell on her knuckles, burning her skin. Gu Siyu pressed the cigarette on the balcony rail and gave up smoking.

The little bird had flown away.

It was obviously not the one she picked up. At first, she didn't recognize it, but after a couple of touches, she identified it—hers, with a wild demeanor.

The Consequence of Provoking a Crazy Beauty [GL]Where stories live. Discover now