chapter 2 : a wolfs secrets

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A laugh, almost sarcastic. "What are you saying? They're 100% believable. Just not 100% not true."

A snort. "Haha very funny, Butch."

"I know. I am rather hilarious, aren't I?"

"Suuure; of course." Another snort, followed by more sarcasm and feigned innocence. "Or maybe you're just a moron"

As the two passed by, Buttercup watched with a thumping heart.

Butch sent his brother a glare. "That was so funny I forgot to laugh."

Brick smiled grimly. It wasn't a smile of happiness or satisfaction, or even one of evil intents, sarcasm, and satisfaction. It was one of knowledge beyond what Buttercup knew. "Well you did ask."

"Shut up, Carrot-top." Butch rolled his eyes. Then the two disappeared around a corner.

Buttercup sighed in relief, slowly floating out. But just then, her super-hearing picked up on something.

"I think you heard it too, didn't you?" It was Brick's voice.

Buttercup froze. Had he noticed I was there? She shook her head. That's impossible. Her eyes narrowed slowly, thoughtfully. Or is it?

She heard Butch agreeing: "Yeah, I guess I did."

Then Brick's voice had sounded again, low and steady. "We should go and catch up with the others."

"Yeah." Then she heard the sound of them taking off.

Buttercup took a deep breath, using breathing techniques to calm herself. Then she flew off after them as well, ready to head to the cafeteria.

...She just hoped the Ruffs wouldn't ask any questions.

"You're hiding something."

"No I'm not."

"Yes, yes you are!"

"No, no I'm not!"

"GUYS! Please, just stop arguing!" Blossom groaned, tearing at her hair.

"Says you, Miss Argues 24/7 With Brick!" Buttercup shot back, glaring at her pink-eyed sister.

Blossom gasped. "We do not argue! We have disagreements" she demanded.

"That end In you two yelling!" She shot back

"We do not argue "!

Buttercup snorted, shoving a few fries into her mouth. "Yeah right, 'cause you're obviously the one who'd fart."

Butch couldn't help it; he stifled a laugh.

"you little - !" Blossom growled, lunging forward.

Brick shook his head, his face hidden and turned away as he caught his counterpart's wrist. "Leave it, Bloss - pfft - it just ain't - pfft - worth it."

Blossom turned to stare at him in shock, her mouth falling open. "What are you -! Brick, are you...laughing!?"

Brick finally turned to look at her, a grin on his face. He stifled a chuckle. "Pfft -  what no way!"


"Sorry, sorry; I can't help it - her 'fart' comment... Oh God." More laughing followed.

"Briiiiiccckkk!" groaned Blossom, hitting him in the arm.

"Ow! What was that for!?" Brick groaned. Despite that, he continued to laugh, rubbing his now sore arm.

"For laughing at me!" Blossom groaned,

Ppgz & Rrbz A wolves storyWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt