chapter 2 : a wolfs secrets

Start from the beginning

And every time I try to be myself

It comes out wrong like a cry for help

It's just not fair, pain's more trouble than love is worth

I gasp for air, it feels so good, but you know it hurts

She groaned, grabbing the back of his shirt and using her superpowers to lift him up. Buttercup turned him slightly so she could glare at him. "Look,  It's. Time. To. Go. Now stop being a fuggin' sleepy retard and let's get going."

He blinked. Once; twice... Then: "Okay, okay; jeez." A yawn. "You don't have to yell."

Buttercup groaned again and dropped him, rolling her green eyes.

"Ow!" he muttered, rubbing his behind. He glared at her, wakefulness finally setting down upon him. "BUTTERCUP"! He whined about

She glared at him, her eye twitching as she growled. "Nice to see your finally awake . Now come on. Let's go...or would you rather go back to sleep? And this time, it'll be for eternity." She growled, "Understood?"

Butch rolled his eyes, still rubbing his sore butt. "Oh shut up," he groaned. "You can't beat me up even if you tried."

"Wanna bet?" she spat back, her green eyes flaring.

He smirked, about to reply, when...:

"Guys, are you aware you're still in my classroom? I suggest you go elsewhere and fight, argue, or whatever; other teachers can deal with you, but I will not—I repeat, I will NOT—tolerate this kind of behaviour."

Buttercup blinked. She and Butch exchanged glances. Then she opened her mouth and said, "Sorry Mr. E. We'll be going now; sorry for bothering you!"

Butch nodded his agreement, and two hightailed it out of there.

As they flew, they argued whose fault that had been, until they had reached their next class.

The door opened and Mr. Davidson raised an eyebrow. "Glad to have you two join me," he announced, greeting them. "Were you not planning on showing up?"

"Of course we weren't," Buttercup said innocently.

Mr. Davidson sighed and opened the door wider. "Get in," he muttered. "I'm not even going to ask."

Butch immediately went back to sleep in class. The sad thing was, he was sitting near the front.

Blossom sent Buttercup a confused look an she shrugged as her sister shook her head .

She glanced forward.

Boomer sat, eyes half-closed as he studied the whiteboard. His shaggy blond hair was messy, looking as if he'd barely run his fingers through it, let alone combed it. The fur around his neck was tinted with blue.

Buttercup didn't see why they wore fur collars. It was so stupid. The fur didn't even look all that good with their uniforms.

Boomer yawned, nudging Butch and whispering something to his green-eyed brother. Butch let out a low moan in response.

Buttercup raised an eyebrow.

When class was over, Buttercup automatically flew off, not stopping to say anything to Butch, Boomer, any of her friends, or even Blossom.

It was lunchtime at last!

As she was flying to the cafeteria, she heard voices. She paused, zooming behind a door. She'd recognize those voices from anywhere, It was Butch and Brick?

"how long can we keep this up?"

A yawn. "What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean." The voice sounded stern. "How long are they gonna accept those stupid excuses?"

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