Giving in.

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Grayson's weight had plateaued around 535; not anywhere close to where you wanted him. You stuffed him ruthlessly, even when he pleaded with you that he'd had enough. He had even been in tears a few times - but you didn't care. You had to see him bigger, even if it meant discomfort. You could make up for that with kisses and praise, though. 

He also had picked up on his appetite; sensing your dismay when the scale didn't go up. There was no doubt he wasn't into it, as he stated multiple times. But he'd do anything to please you, and to not lose you. Who else would take care of him like you did? Pamper him? Spoil him? Nobody. 

His belly ached constantly, becoming needier. You were at the base of his tummy more than usual, helping to digest the food that caused his belly to churn with discomfort, uncomfortably stuffed to the brim. You could see how he hated it in his eyes, but that didn't matter to you. As long as he didn't try to intervene with your divine fattening, everything was fine. 

It wasn't like he had anywhere to be, you figured. You made enough money online selling your books, which unsurprisingly, were fat-fetish themed books, that you had enough to support yourself twice and then whatever he needed. 

"One last bite for daddy?" You purred. Grayson whimpered like a dog; his pout evident on his face. His gut churned uncomfortably, digesting loudly. You straddled his gut again, enjoying how the rumbling felt on your knees. 

"One...?" Grayson moaned, taking a bite out of the burger you practically forcing down his throat. "It -- URRRRP." He burped directly in your face - by accident, of course - but it was still hot. Enough to get your dick twitching against his lower belly. "It hurts," he finished with a smaller belch; covered by his hand. 

"Daddy'll fix that," you promise, moving to your usual position. You squatted, beginning to gently rub circles into his belly, exerting a few belches and moans out of him, of course. You couldn't expect him to be too civil, could you? 

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