Chapter twenty four

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Chapter twenty four

Felix's pov

It was around 5AM when Hyunjin finally let himself sleep. I didn't know what had happened, a part of me wanted to and the other part didn't. My eyes began to feel heavy as my mind continued to wander. Do I ask him or do I not? Would it help him or cause him more damage? With those last thoughts I was asleep.

Waking up, Hyunjin was still in bed with me. I sighed with relief that it wasn't all a dream and that he was here with me. Turning over I grab my phone, realizing it's now 12PM I get out of bed and make my way to the kitchen, I slip my phone into my back pocket. I wanted to do something nice for Hyunjin, maybe to take his mind off the events of last night.

I begin to cook, some things that were left over from the night before and some new things. Although it was noon and we had already skipped breakfast I decided to make him more of a brunch menu. I had kind of perfected Omurice with Jeongin and it was the best dish. Combining breakfast and lunch options I began to whisk the eggs and fry the left over rice.

Finishing the last few touches I see Hyunjin emerge from his bedroom. Putting the plates down on the table I walk over, taking his hands in mine as I lead him to the table. Sitting him down and bringing the plate to him I kiss him from behind "good morning love" I say to him before I go and sit next to him.

I was never good with death, even with my parents I don't remember much but I remember how people treated me. Like I was a glass vase and that with one wrong move I would shatter and knowing Hyunjin I didn't want to treat him the same but I still wanted to be symptomatic.

Hyunjin stayed silent as he looked down at the food. "D-do you want something else, I can see what else you have" I say as I try to get up from the table. His hand stops me, still not looking at me he asks "please sit down Felix". I can't remember the last time he used my name honestly so that began to worry me, sitting back down I grab his hand tighter.

He then moves his hand from mine, dropping it to his lap still unable to look at me. "Hyunjin what's wrong you're worrying me" I say back to him quietly.

"We need to talk about your parents".

Hyunjins pov

This was it, this was the moment I was dreading all night. My dreams filled with Felix hating me forever, leaving me, not loving me. "Wh-what about my parents" he stutters back to me. I couldn't even bring myself to look at him, my gaze still on my lap. "Seriously Hyunjin what is going on" he says to me, moving his chair closer to me trying to get me to speak.

"My father, my father is the reason" I trail off, tears coming down my face. I can see Felix's feet from under the table as they shift on the floor. "Tell me Hyunjin" he says back to me, encouraging me to continue. "Felix, I know why your parents are dead" I say blankly. I watch as his his one foot begins to jump up and down. "What do you mean, my parents were in a car accident" he says back to quietly.

Exhaling I some how find the courage to tell him, "no Felix, my father is the reason they are dead". His foot stops bouncing, I watch as his body shifts next to me. "What do you mean, if your dad told you this then he must be lying" he says back a little louder.

Finally looking at him I see his face, confusion and angst lie across it. "Your parents owed people money, bad people. They were trying to escape. My father was told to stop them". His face now fully confused, trying to remember the moments that unfolded that terrible day as I continue to tell him. "He was told to stop them, he ki-killed them Felix and saved you" I stutter out.

He starts to shake his head, standing from the table he moves away from me. "No my parents were in a car accident" he says again but his voice now louder, echoing through my house. "I am so sorry Felix, that is why he attacked you. He thought you knew, he told me your relatives knew and so he thought you did and that you were going to retaliate" I say back to him standing up trying to get him to understand.

"What are you saying" he asks back to me, his face red hot as tears start to form "my parents were good people Hyunjin, they weren't in with a crowd like yours. We were on our way to the market when a drunk driver hit us. Your father is a liar" he hisses at me.

I try walking towards him but he steps back, putting his hand up telling me to stop but I continue forward. Backing him against the wall, his eyes unable to meet mine. "I am so sorry Felix but this is the truth, even my mother knew it" I say back to him, trying to make him believe the words coming out of my mouth.

"No you're lying" he screams at me, pushing me backwards. I was honestly shocked at his strength, falling back I meet the end of the couch, tripping over it I hit the floor. Felix takes this as he runs around me and out the door. Finding my own strength I run after him but he was too fast, making it out my gate he takes off down the street.

I fall to my knees, unable to move I watch as he leaves me. Coming down bringing my chest to my knees I scream out, the tears coming from my face start to sting against my own skin. Just then I feel two arms wrap around me, they begin to cry into my back. Looking down at the hands now in front of me I see the rings, the same one my mother wears. She came back to me.

Felix's pov

My lungs were on fire, my legs ached but I kept running. Down different streets and alleys until I couldn't run anymore. Falling over a crack in the sidewalk I fall to the ground, my knees and hands scrape against the pavement but that didn't bother me. My heart hurt more. My mind raced. What did he mean, how was his family responsible. I laid there on the side of the road, cars zooming past me left and right but again that didn't worry me.

I tried hard, I tried to remember the events from that day. My parents seemed stressed, they were gathering things around the house, throwing them into bags and into the car. I remember because they left my bike outside but told me that I would get a new one. Getting into the car we took off, flashes of the memories flood my view.

Pieces missing here and there, I remember leaving and then the police arriving. I was outside the car, paramedics running past me to attend to my parents. A police officer picking me up and putting me in the squad car. I remember my aunt coming in to the police station, I was sat there waiting with a lady. And then getting on a flight to Korea.

I remember being told the story of my parents when I was older, the lies I was told. I take out my phone dialing the only person I could trust, Jeongin. He answered right away again, "Felix" he asked out, his voice ringing in my ear. I take a deep breath, trying to calm myself down as I respond back to him, "can you come get me".

"Sure where are you at, I can have one of the drivers pick you up" he says nonchalantly. Shaking my head I ask him "no can you come alone, no drivers please". He takes a moment before talking "sure, Changbin is here. He said I could use his car. Are you at Hyunjins".

"No, I will send you my location" I tell him before hanging up and sending it. About twenty minutes later Jeongin pulls up. Running over to my side he looks over my cuts "what the fuck happened Felix where is Hyunjin" he asks me again. Pushing him off of me I get in the vehicle, he follows me still waiting for an answer.

"Can you just take me home please" I ask him as tears start to form again. "Not until you tell me what happened" he begs back at me. "I just want to go home please, I will tell you when we get there" I say back getting annoyed at him. He sighs, taking off and driving me home.

My head rests on the window, watching as the sky passes us with trees and birds in my view. Pulling up to the apartment I rush out, running up to our door I swing it open as I escape to my room, shutting it behind me and locking it. Jeongin tried opening it but was unable to, yelling at me through the door I don't answer him.

I went to my bed, the same clothes and things thrown around since I left it the first time. Falling onto my bed I pull the covers over myself fully as I sob into my pillows. My parents were good people, people who loved me.

Hyunjin was not a good person.

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