Chapter six

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Chapter six

Felix pov

Waking up I feel confused. Looking up at the ceiling I can tell this isn't my room. It isn't until I feel something shift next to me that I figure out where I am. Turning over I see Hyunjin laying next to me, still sleeping as he softly snores. I smile at the thoughts of us last night. Getting up from the bed I start picking up my clothes thrown around the room. Holding up my ripped white shirt I frown. How the hell was I going to walk out of here without a shirt. Almost as if he heard my thoughts he says is a deep morning voice "top drawer is shirts bottom drawer is pants". He shuts his eyes and goes back to sleep as I find the dresser with his things. I grab the first shirt I find and grab a pair of sweats from the bottom.

Going into the bathroom I look at myself. My chest littered with bruises and hickeys left from Hyunjin. I wash my face and get dressed. Walking back out I notice the now empty bed. Looking around for Hyunjin I can't find him. I make my way out to his office and find him sitting there at his desk in nothing but his boxers. Fiddling with something on his laptop he sighs loudly. I walk over to him and stand behind him. His focus still on the laptop. I run my hands down his chest as my head leans into his neck and give him a soft kiss. He brings his hand to my arm, rubbing it lightly before shutting his laptop and spinning around in his chair.

Taking control I straddle him, his hands placed firmly on my ass as my hands run through his hair. He looks up at me almost admiring the scene in front of him. I lean down and begin to kiss him. It started out soft and gentle before it quickly turned into a hot lustful one. His hands traveling up my back grabbing me and pulling me closer to his chest. We separate at the sound of someone knocking on the door.

Clearly annoyed after getting interrupted I hop off him and go sit on the couch, scrolling through my phone as he gets up and makes his way to the door. A guard stood there whispering something to Hyunjin. I watch as he nods his head and shuts the door. "I have to get dressed really fast. There's more staff here asking to meet me" he says walking over to me kissing the top of my head. He walks into the bedroom getting dressed. I lay down on the couch and continue playing with my phone.

He walks out and I gasp at how gorgeous he looked. His hair slicked back perfectly, his black button up hugging him in the most perfect ways with his sleeves rolled up showing off his gold bracelets and rings. He walks over to me and lifts me up I throw my phone on the couch as he kisses me. Walking me back into his bedroom and placing me down on the bed softly. "I'll try to make these introductions quick so I can spend the day with you angel" he whispers to me. Kissing me softly before leaving and shutting the door behind him.

I get up and start exploring his room, he liked dark things because not only was his office painted black but his room as well. My hands run over his dresser, looking at his beautiful jewelry laid out on top of it. I giggle at the picture of Hyunjin and a cute little dog. The hard boss was actually a softy. Walking over to his book shelf my eyes scan for something interesting to read. I see a greatly used book up at the top, the spine creased heavily and worn out. Grabbing it I make my way over to his bed and plop down on it. Opening the pages randomly something falls out that catches my eye. Looking down I see a receipt for something.

Rope, chains, duct tape, kitchen knife set, trash bags, cleaning supplies. The list went on and on. Getting scared I flip more through the book as more and more questionable receipts fall out. Who the fuck was Hwang Hyunjin.

Hyunjins pov

Making my way back to my desk I look at the mirror behind me, brushing off a speck of dust I make sure I look scary and but presentable. Calling my guard he lets in a few new faces. All introducing themselves but I couldn't care less. My angel was waiting for me. The last round of employees make their way in. All bowing and introducing themselves. The last one to walk in catches my eye, he looks familiar.

Bowing he speaks up, "nice to meet you sir I'm Jeongin I work behind the bar". It hits me. This is Felix's friend. Does he know Felix is just behind a door? I bow back giving my normal speech. He turns to leave but stops in his tracks. Looking down at something on the couch. He walks over and picks it up, a cell phone. Looking it over his eyes shift back to me.

"Where is Felix"

Felix's pov

I paced back and forth in the room. What the fuck did I get myself into. Hyunjins receipts obviously show a much darker side to him than I anticipated. I couldn't even think straight. Was he going to hurt me. Was all of the a ploy to get my guard down so he could kill me. Was he some kind of serial killer. I being to panic feeling my chest rise and fall quickly. Collapsing to the floor I tried calming down but nothing worked. Just than I hear my name "FELIX" confused I look up at the door. "Felix where are you" the voice calls out again.

Just then Jeongin bursts into the room. Hyunjin following close behind. Still high in my panic attack he runs over to my side checking me over. "What did you do to him" Jeongin screams out at Hyunjin. Hyunjin comes in looking confused by the state im in. Worried and concerned his eyes land on his bed. The book and receipts sprawled out on the covers. I look back at him terrified. Jeongin picks me up and leads me out, pushing past Hyunjin. We leave the office and continue walking at a fast pace out the front doors of the casino.

Finally about a block away we slow down. Shaking and shivering at the clues I found and plus it was cold out Jeongin pulls me into a hug. "Don't worry Felix we never have to go back we can get new jobs in town hell I'll get two jobs if it means that man can't hurt you again" he says still wrapping me tightly.

Finally after the bus we make it back to the apartment. He places me down on the couch before running into the bathroom grabbing my anxiety medication. Handing it to me with some water I drink it down. Instantly I begin to calm down. "What did he do to you lix" Jeongin questions me. "N-nothing" I stutter out. "Felix you can tell me anything. Did he hurt you. Did he force himself on you. I'm going to kill him" he says angers before standing up. I stop him and grab his arm "d-don't leave please" I whisper out. A few tears rolling down my face.

He sits back down next to me and wraps me up with a blanket. My medicine kicking in as I fall into a soft nap. My mind wanders around the facts I found in Hyunjins room. Who was he and what did I do?

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