Chapter twenty three

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Chapter twenty three

Hyunjins pov

I decided in that moment to tell Felix in the morning, knowing his emotions must have been all over the place and was equally tired we laid there. His head against my chest as my hands softly went up and down his arm. It was almost like both of us were waiting for the other to fall asleep. My mind was racing, the photo my dad kept in his pocket lying in my jacket pocket on the bathroom floor. I didn't want it to end this way but what were the other options. My dad was willing to end our bloodline with me, he shot first.

His limp and bloody body flooded my mind, every time my eyes shut it appeared. He was only the second person I had ever killed, I never wanted there to be a second after the first. Thinking back to the book, the receipts, the lineage I had to continue to take power. It was wrong but at the same time something I had trained for my whole life.

*flash back*

I was 18 years old, it was time. The moment I had been waiting for since my was born. I was being inducted into power, into my bloodline, into my life. It was a dark and cold December night, my father and his men had captured a traitor amongst our group. It was the perfect ceremony for my entrance into the life I live now.

He sat there, tied to a chair in a dark and damp basement. A small fire in the corner was the only thing illuminating the room. The rope and tape wrapped around him that I had purchased earlier. Him mouth was shut, tapped over unable to speak. My father had told me it would be easier for me to keep his mouth closed but in the moment I wanted more power, I wanted to show my strength. 

Ripping the tape off his mouth he began to plead with me, save his life in exchange for anything. Money, women, even more power. I didn't give in I just laughed at him. In our work a traitor was defined as being disloyal and betrayal. But I watched as this man who said he had so much to give me beg for his life. My father and other members of our group stood around us. I couldn't falter or change the course that had already been set into place.

Walking towards him I had a table in front of me, almost like a game I had to choose my weapon. There sat a knife, a gun, and a bat. All doing damage to his body but only one who end his misery sooner. Again wanting to show my power I decided his fate. Walking behind him I picked up a piece of wood, the top of it already covered in flames.

Walking back over to him I set the log onto his lap. His screams echoed into the room, his legs burning, the smell of his skin catching fire. I wanted the show, I wanted to prove my worth to my heritage. I wanted to be strong. It sat on his lap, catching his pant legs on fire, not long before engulfing himself into the flame. We all watched as the room lit up.

I watched as the traitor literally burned in front of our faces. Never fully getting that image out of my head. My father landed his hand on my shoulder, finally looking away I meet him. Bringing me into a hug my arms stayed to my side, he whispered into my ear "I am so proud of you" and I believed it.

Since that moment in that basement I was never questioned, people knew what I was capable of withstanding. Why go against the Roman army when you were always going to be out matched. That night I earned the respect of my elders, my father, and his peers. Other groups spoke about me and my strength. It was intoxicating to be the strongest.

Handing my dad the receipt he wrote at the bottom of it 'fire'. He placed the receipt into the book and handed it to me. It was the beginning of my life.

*flash back ends*

I stayed there in bed, listening to Felix's breathing, trying to control my emotions but honestly they were shot. Tears started to run down my face, this feeling was unfamiliar to me. Sure I had been sad before but never anything like this, it was more depressing than anything.

Felix must have heard me, his head shifts up, wiping away my tears he starts running his fingers along my chest. "I wish I could help you" he whispers to me, more tears fall. How was I suppose to tell him my family was the reason he had none.

Just then he speaks again, "I remember one time I was outside on my bike, I had fallen off of it and my dad came outside. He picked me up and rocked me back and forth before putting me back onto the bike telling me to try again. I remember telling him I was scared and nervous. But do you know what he told me Hyunjin". I just shook my head, knowing if I tried to speak I would tremble with my words.

"He told me that if I were to fall again that he would pick me back up and help me. No matter how many times it would take he would always be there to pick me up". Looking down at Felix I notice his tears now, "I am that with you Hyunjin, no matter how many times you fall I will always be here for you. To help you back up, because I love you".

I shift in the bed, hover over Felix as I kiss him, our lips touch and fireworks explode inside of me. This boy, this boy who has been through trauma, heart break, abuse, and lost life, was always so positive about everything and I loved that so much about him. Coming out of our kiss I whisper to him, "no matter what happens Angel, I will love you till the day I die".

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