Author Note

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So, I'm gonna be rewriting this story, again. I thought about it and I just don't have any motivation to write this as it is now. I hate where things are going and I've found so many issues with this story as it is now.

But I do have a general plan for this rewrite. So I'm going to explain my ideas for what to do with this story. There are a few things I need to work on and I'm just going to cover the main stuff. If anyone has ideas or thoughts, please, please let me know because hearing your opinions helps me a lot.

First, the main thing is the plot. This story is just going and that's the current problem. I had an idea of what to do to end this story, but it's unsatisfying and I don't like it. So I started coming up with new ideas. And those new ideas involve a new character and main plot point involving this character. Which is one of the big reasons I need to rewrite the entire story. To give you an idea, for those of you who haven't read Constellations (which you should go read now), my OC in that story has her own villain, which gives my OC her own subplot from the anime's plot. And that villain has made it very clear what I want to do with that story. So I'm going to do a similar thing with this story. But I do want to try and steer away from doing the same thing just with different characters, so I have to figure that out. And that may involve waiting until the rest of the anime comes out and finishing it so I can figure out how to place everyone. But I'll have to toy around with that idea.

The other big thing I want to talk about for this rewrite is Noriko's quirk. She makes almost no progress during this story and that bothers me so much. Especially when I compare her to Constellation's OC who has a ton, of both quirk and character development, Noriko's just so static. This is something that really needs to be changed and that starts with her quirk.

Now I don't want her quirk to change much. I think I may want a plot point of her not having a singing-related quirk yet still being a very popular singer. So I want to keep her quirk relatively the same. But I'm gonna mess with her control and strength a lot more and see what to do with that. Mostly, I need to figure out what her growth will be like and maybe figure out how to make her quirk more connected to her.

There are some other little things that I want to change too, but those are the main things I want to mess with. It's going to take a lot of time, but I promise it'll pay off with a more cohesive and enjoyable story. I'm sorry this is happening again, I just can not continue this story as it is, otherwise I would. If I did keep going, it would be sloppy, poorly-written chapters that I wouldn't be proud of. And at the end of the day, I'm doing this for my enjoyment and to turn my daydreams into stories. I love sharing these stories with you guys and that's why I want to write a story I'm proud of and enjoy myself so you all get a better story.

So that's where I'm at right now. When I do rewrite this story, I most likely rewrite a lot of it off Wattpad and then wipe this story to do updates again. When I do rewrite it, I'll most likely make sure that I have enough chapters for two updates a week probably up until wherever changes get most drastic or the camp arc that way those who have read everything already don't have to wait around to reread things that may stay similar. Of course, this is subject to change, but that's what I hope to do.

Again, it's going to be quite a bit of time before this rewrite. When I have an idea of when it'll be, I'll let you all know. But for now, while you wait for me to get back to this story, you should all go read Constellations. If you like my writing and BNHA, you'll like that story. It's better than this one and currently has 70 chapters out. I love that story so much, the main character is one of my favorite OCs, so go read it.

Well, Constellations promo aside, that's all I have. Let me know your thoughts on everything. Sorry about this, I know it must be annoying for a story to not update in months and then announce it's not going to update for even longer. But I don't think posting half-hearted chapters would be any better. I hope you all understand and I'll do my best to keep you all updated.

For now, that's it. Again, sorry about all the waiting only for me to go backward essentially with this story. But I hope you all understand and have a great day!


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16 ⏰

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