Bring it On!

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|Sitting are the Bar: Shakky's|

Sorna directs her gaze toward the spot where Shakky was reading the news and spots a stack of printed papers. With a pointed, sharp-nailed finger, she gestures towards the stack, then turns her attention back to Shakky.

Shakky, understanding her, answers the girls clear question, "Wanted posters. It seems the Wost Generation finally reached the halfway point on their quests. They've landed on Sabaody and will attempt to pass through Fishman Island to the new world."

She smiles to herself, "Quite the rowdy bunch from what I hear... brings back fond memories."

As Shakky reminisces, she gracefully strides over, seizes the entire stack, and passes it to Sorna. Sorna begins flipping through the pages, intent on identifying potential troublemakers who might stir up trouble at her job tonight.

"So, this means money for you and Raleigh?" Sorna cocks an eyebrow at Shakky looking at her from behind the pages.

Shakky let's out a boisterous laugh, "Should be, assuming they don't get themselves killed first! You know Sabaody is not the fun filled family adventure it paints itself to be."

Sorna joins her laughter with a light giggle of her own, "On topic, where hides Rayleigh? It would bring shame if his many troubles finally introduced him to a premature grave."

Shakky, laughing a bit more at Sorna's inquiry about her love, Rayleigh, "Nah," She fianlly let's out, taking a breath, "He is much harder to kill than he seems, I would know!"

Amused by the conversation, Shakky makes her way to the back kitchen, needing to prepare for the impending rush. With a casual wave, she signals Sorna to continue rifling through the wanted posters, leaving her to the task at hand.

Reading to herself, Sorna looks intently at each picture.

'Roanora Zoro' ... 'Monkey D. Luffy' ... 'Killer'... 'Eustass Kid'...

"...Trafalgar Law?...." she tails off, pondering outloud.

'...200,000,000 beri...' hmmm

Sorna's flipping through the wanted posters comes to a halt at the final one. She curiously gazes at the depicted man, taking mental notes. A white hat, adorned with black spots and fur, tops his head, while a black and yellow hoodie hugs his form, showcasing a Jolly Roger on the front. His tan skin complements his enticing appearance, but it's his eyes – a captivating shade of dark grey that seems to hold a story of their own – that truly draw her in. A daring stare emanates from the page, as if he exists beyond the printed image, a smug smirk playing on his lips, conveying a silent acknowledgment of his untouchable nature. Confidence spills from the page in a subtle challenge that invites anyone to try to catch him, all with just a glance.

Ceptivated, Sorna shakes her head, realizing she lingered a bit too long within the depths of those captivating eyes, a sensation that momentarily left her almost beside herself.

'I need to be more careful, I can't be getting lost in a strangers eyes!' She continues to mentally scold herself.

'Feelings for a piece of paper, how childish!'

"Shoo!" Sorna draws out an exhale. Knitting her eyebrows together, scrunching her flared nostrils, she disapproves of herself, a frown etching across her face.

"Trouble!!" she chirps. 

With a theatrical flair, Sorna slaps the poster face down on the bartop, showcasing her frustration. In a dramatic huff, she snatches her black drawstring bag from behind the bar and strides purposefully towards the door. However, just as she's about to exit, Sorna pauses, casting a slight, longing side-eye at the downturned poster.

MissingPiece (Trafalgar Law x OC)Where stories live. Discover now