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James left a chaste kiss on top of my clit, involuntarily making my legs shake. I propped myself up on my elbows to watch him, drinking in his appearance.

Tattoos covered his muscular arms that were wrapped tightly around my thick tan thighs, there were too many designs to count. Ink covered the middle finger on his left hand and his index finger on the right one.

Jesus, this man was sexy as fuck. His brown hair was disheveled, a few strands covering his eyes. Those dark brown eyes were pinned on mine, making my breathing heavier — erratic even.

His eyes held a tinge of mischievousness, making it obvious that he was up to no good.

I don't know what possessed me but this shouldn't have happened. So I didn't understand why my body reacted the way it did. Trembling, lip biting, weak knees all for a man who was engaged to be married.

He wasn't wearing a ring though, otherwise that piece of jewellery would've scorched my skin and left a permanent mark that only I'd be able to see. My clit throbbed, the pounding sensation driving me crazy and sending blood rushing straight to my head — causing dizziness.

"So fucking sexy." He murmured, he was about to go down on me but his phone started blaring loudly. Now the only thing pounding was my heart, thumping against my ribcage — ready to leap out of my chest. "Jesus fucking Christ."

He sounded frustrated, like it physically pained him to stop what he was doing and answer his phone. "Answer it." I urged, despite the fact that I didn't want this to end. Not right now.

He sighed loudly, lowering his head before gazing at me again. "Okay, you stay here." He hopped off the bed, grabbing his phone from the nightstand and then glanced at me. "Don't move." He said sternly.

He answered the call and based on his response I knew exactly who the person on the other end of the line was.


He walked into the en-suite bathroom and closed the door behind him with a soft click. I couldn't hear what he was saying and honestly I didn't want to.

Silence surrounded me, deafening silence and I could hear every single sound around me. The sound of my heart beating, the tick of the clock on the nightstand, his muffled voice echoing in the bathroom.

It's as if though my hearing had been enhanced somehow.

Somebody must've dumped an ice cold bucket of water over me because the reality of the situation sent me into shock mode. What the fuck was I thinking?

Panic set in and the hair on the back of my neck stood upright. My body shook uncontrollably as anxiety overtook my senses.

I surely wasn't going to stay here, I couldn't. I needed to go home and I needed to do it now. Adrenaline and fear coursed through my veins while regret prickled on my skin.

I looked around the room, feeling drowsy. My belongings were scattered everywhere but I hurriedly collected them in my hands and sprinted out of the room. I looked back and saw the bathroom door was still closed.

My phone was in my purse, wherever the fuck my purse was. I got dressed in the hallway, feeling my legs tremble as I tried to stand on my tiptoes.

If I remembered correctly there was a bathroom downstairs too. I held my heels in one hand and practically sprinted towards the stairs, treading carefully so that I didn't trip and fall down the flight of it.

My purse was on the couch, staring me straight in the face. I grabbed it, tossed it over my shoulder and then quickly went into the bathroom to make sure I looked appropriate enough when I got into the Uber.

The last thing I wanted was a stranger knowing that I just got fucked. The ache between my legs was a reminder of it though and that was more than enough.

I've never ever moved that fast in my entire life and only once I was outside of the house did I request an Uber. Luckily for me the driver was one minute away.

The cool night air settled on my flush skin, bringing down my high temperature. I managed to put my heels back on without falling and looked up when I saw car lights down the street.

The white vehicle slowly approached me and I checked the registration number to make sure it matched what was on my phone screen. It did.

Thank fuck.

When I hopped into the car and greeted the driver who's name was Joseph, only then did I breathe a sigh of relief. He asked me if I was okay and I responded with a soft yes of course.

The driver made small talk with me and before I knew it we had reached the building I lived in. My body still buzzed with adrenaline, guilt slowly consuming me with each dreaded step I took.

It felt like my apartment was miles and miles away while I walked at a slow pace, struggling to place one foot in front of the other.

This was highly unlike me, my hands felt clammy and my knees wobbled — dread settling in the pit of my stomach. Clearly my alcohol intake was higher than usual because I wasn't thinking straight.

Yes I wasn't drunk but I might as well have been judging by my poor decisions tonight.

How would I look Catalina in the eye after this? Aside from that, how would I be in the same room as James and act as if though nothing happened?

I could do it but could he? Knowing him he'd probably steal glances of me each and every time. I'd just have to avoid him until he returned to wherever he came from.

With my examination coming up and my part time job consuming most of my time, I knew I'd be more than occupied so I didn't have to worry about knocking into James or his fiancé.

I also didn't have to partake in any social activities with Chris and Jess. They respected the fact that I had to focus on my academics. Under different circumstances they would've been persistent in their attempts at trying to convince me to explore the town.

Thoughts of sin aside, I desperately needed to wash away the sins that coated every inch of my body. Desperately needed to scrub my skin until it burned, until that said burn completely annihilated the feeling of guilt.

Once in the shower I let the blazing hot water fall onto my body, while I tossed my head back and relished in the feel of the cascading water.

Truth is, I'd never forget what we did tonight and that's something that would haunt me forever.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03 ⏰

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