Chapter 18: Thumbs

Start from the beginning

Then after the ring shopping she was planning for the engagement ball, to be held on her 18th before she and possibly her fiance head back to Hogwarts. The arrangements had already been made with Dumbledore and the rest of the Hogwarts staff. If her mother truly loved anything in the world it was planning a ball. Unlike the ring shopping her mother didn't ask for her opinion as much, which Juliet preferred. Then the interviews started.

Juliet didn't know who was on the list but her father had instructed her to sit in the drawing room with tea and biscuits. The doors had to remain shut and Draco was supposed to be chaperoning but he was nowhere to be found. Her father had instructed her that only one meeting would be held per day and after he, the potential fiance, and the potential's father were done "discussing" the potential would be sent to the drawing room. There she and the potential were to "get to know" one another and Draco was to observe and report back to her father. Luckily, she was able to smuggle in a book and read while she waited.

The door clicked open, causing Juliet to look up and break into a smile, "Markie Mark!"

"Hey Jul," Marcus grins and walks over to her.

Juliet tucks her bookmark into the page before jumping up and running to give Marcus a hug, "Long time no see!"

"It has been a minute," He chuckles, spinning her around once before setting her down, "How are you?"

"Good," Juliet nods and gestures to the tea. Marcus pulls out her chair and pushes her in before sitting. Juliet pours him some tea and says, "You'd be proud I played in two matches this past year."

"That's what Cas said," Marcus grins and takes a bite out of the biscuit, "I know there was something special in you. Although I did hear you had quite the injury. Are you alright?"

"Oh yeah Madame Pomfrey fixed me right up," Juliet brushes it off, "Speaking of quidditch how was your season?"

"Puddlemere United has been really welcoming," Marcus states, "Although being on the same team as Oliver Wood was an adjustment."

"I bet. Is he still neurotic?"

"Is the sky blue," Marcus retorts with a chuckle.

They fall into a lull and Juliet bites the inside of her cheek before asking, "So how was it... the meeting or whatever you call it?"

Marcus shrugs and twiddles his thumbs, "It was fine."

"What did you talk about?"

Marcus shakes his head, "You don't want to know."

"I do," Juliet insists and places a hand over his, "Please."

Marcus takes a sip of his tea, "Your father asked what I expected out of a you as a wife. How many kids? Would I be giving you an allowance? How many high society events would I be expected to attend? Old pure blood crap. After I left I don't know."

"Thanks for telling me," Juliet gives a weak smile, "That's what I thought would happen eventually. You are one of who knows how many."

"Four." Marcus responds, "Your father said I was the first of four."

"Great," Juliet mumbles as she swirls her spoon into her tea. 


July 9, 1995

Juliet sat in the same spot the next day waiting for her next potential to arrive, and Draco was still nowhere to be found. This time a slight knock followed by the click of the door revealed Cassius Warrington.

"Cassius," Juliet greets with a smile and stands up, gesturing to the tea, "How do you take your tea?"

"Uh just one sugar please," Cassius smiles with a nod before walking over and taking a seat.

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