19: Pizza & Heartburn

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Jungkook's stomach was screaming for attention. Nora's stomach echoed in reply. Looking at the mess on the floor and the unprepared food in the kitchen, Nora sighed, then giggled, "Worth it."

"Sorry for breaking your plates."

"Didn't you hear me, Rabbit? It was worth it. Besides, they were just a cheap set I got on clearance. It's usually just me here. I see no point in getting fancy plates. I rarely entertain, and when I do, it's usually just one other person."

"I don't know if I have any energy left to cook after that," her boyfriend admitted.

"Same. We can order delivery. There's a Chinese restaurant near here that's surprisingly quick if that sounds good to you."

"Actually, would pizza be okay?"

"Yeah, sure," Nora responded, masking her apprehension. "What toppings would you like?"

Please don't want pepperoni.

Grabbing his pants and underpants, he slipped them on. "Sausage."

Her body relaxed, filled with relief to not hear the dreaded, yet delicious, flatulence-inducing pizza topping pass his lips."Okay."

"Can we add pepperoni to that? I'm craving it."



After placing the order, Jungkook cleaned up the mess while Nora went into her bedroom and changed.

When the pizza arrived, Jungkook dove right in, but Nora started picking off the pepperoni.

Jungkook noticed and felt guilty for inconveniencing her. "Oh, you don't like pepperoni? I could have gone without."

"No, it's fine. That's the great thing about pizza. You can pick stuff off of it easily. You're welcome to my pepperoni, by the way."

"Thank you." Smiling, he picked up one of the pepperoni slices she had picked off and popped it into his mouth.

Nora was in the middle of polishing off her third slice and Jungkook his fourth when her cell phone rang. Looking at it, she saw it was Jimin. She held a finger to her lips, signaling for him to be quiet. "It's Jimin." She then answered. "Hey, Bro. What's up?"

"Bro? You call him, 'Bro'?!"

"Shh!" Nora shushed him, covering the receiver, her eyes scolding him. Jungkook had been careless, risking his brother overhearing him.

"Do you have company with you?" Jimin asked.

"Uh, yeah."

"Oh, I can call another time if that works better for you."

"No, now is fine. What's going on? Is Marci okay?"

"She's fine, other than her morning sickness. That's why I called. Now that everyone knows, I wanted to ask if you would be willing to do a favor for me."

"Anything for Marci and the baby. How can I help?"

"My parents are invited every year to a black tie New Year's Eve charity gala, as well as my brother and I by relation. Jungkook's not into that kind of thing, but I always go along with my parents as a representative of the next generation."

"Oh, wow! I didn't realize your family had those kinds of connections."

Jimin laughed. "The host is an old childhood friend of my dad's. Our family isn't that connected. He only invites us so he can talk to—as he puts it—real people who remind him where he came from and keep him grounded."

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