6: Courting

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When Nora arrived at Dream Customizations as it was nearing closing time, she was wearing a cream puffer jacket, pale blue v-neck henley, and designer jeans with her dark hair up in a high ponytail, giving Frankie a clear view of the lithe neck that his lips craved. His eyes popped—even his black eye. She looked hot in anything. The awkward reunion left them both staring at each other in silence, her stare emphasized by a clenched jaw and annoyed eyes.

"Hello, Nora," Frankie finally spoke in a meek voice.

"Hello, Frankie."

"Look, I-I...it took a while for me to remember the events that led to..." he paused and pointed at his injuries. "All I can say is when you rejected me, it hurt. It really hurt. I liked you so much. I still do."

"I think it's more like you just want to fuck me, really, really bad, Frankie. If you liked me, you never would have said and done those things."

Frankie nodded. "Look, I-I was so crushed. I made a stupid decision. After I left the restaurant, I went to the nearest liquor store to drown my sorrows and got so drunk—drunker than I'd been in a long time. I'm not saying that's an excuse. I'm just trying to explain that I-I guess I have a lot of growing to do as a man." He looked down, filled with remorse. "What I said and what I did was horrible. I can't apologize enough for the way I treated you. I deserved to get my ass kicked."

"Yes, you did."

"You're going to think this is weird, but I'm glad it was you instead of Jungkook that did the ass-kicking," he laughed lightly, then nodded. "I needed to be reminded that women can be strong, too."

Nora smiled a little. "I'm happy to have contributed to your learning."

"You should know," Frankie briefly looked over his shoulder at the shop door, then turned back to Nora. "Jungkook lectured me a bit on women. I always thought he just used women until he got bored with them, but I was wrong. He really does respect them. You picked a good one." Her smile turned brighter upon hearing her new boyfriend's romantic competition give his seal of approval. "There's that beautiful smile that melts me," the reforming misogynist smiled. "I know it may take a while, but I hope you can forgive me someday."

She looked at him skeptically and nodded, "Apologizing is a good start. Perhaps with time, I may be able to fully forgive you if you prove yourself to be a changed man." Nora's face gradually changed from skepticism to a sly smirk as she added, "Of course, I will gladly offer my services in contributing to your education again should you need another lesson."

"As you should," Frankie laughed.

The bell on the shop's door chimed as Yoongi walked in, and Frankie looked over Nora's shoulder.

"It's Yoongi, right?" he asked. "Jungkook should be finishing up. Go on back. You too, Nora."

Turning around to introduce herself, Jungkook's girlfriend offered her hand for Yoongi to shake it. "Oh! Hi! I'm Nora. Nice to meet you, Yoongi," she smiled.

Yoongi jerked his head back slightly at the sight of her, then smiled and shook her hand. "Nice to meet you, too."

"You have a great smile," she beamed, then turned and headed for the shop door. Yoongi shoved his hands in his coat pockets, and if it weren't for a slightly raised eyebrow and a subtle nod, he would have seemed indifferent as he followed behind her.

"I get it, dude," Frankie commented under his breath. He caught the subtle expressions and immediately knew Yoongi thought she was hot.

Despite finding Nora extremely attractive, Yoongi still had his sights set on JoAnne, having been hooked by her ingenuity in using elastic laces on her Converse. Bit by bit, he was reeled in. First by her sneaker collection, then her affinity for basketball, her appreciation of his friend, and her sweet giggle. For him, JoAnne choosing to enter a creative career field dominated by men, loving rap music, and being a natural beauty were bonuses. When she exuded self-confidence, stating, "And I am holding out for a guy worthy of my attention," Yoongi made it his mission to be that guy. The infatuated man looked around the work area as he entered, hoping to spot her. She wasn't there. Where could she be?

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