Tails no (Part two of Orphan tears 😋)

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                          NO ONE POV

"I-umm" Sonic was cut off by Tails putting his hands over his mouth.

"Some police officer is coming. Tell them that i'm 19 ok?" Tails asked. Sonic nodded.

"Son do you know how fast you were going?" The police officer looked down at Tails. "I was in a rush because we have to get to a birthday party sir" Tails lied.

"Show me your license and registration" The police officer demanded. Tails knew that he didn't have a license or registration.

"Okay sir" Tails said as he smiled and grabbed something from the glove box.

He was still smiling and shot the police officer in the head with a shotgun.

"TAILS YOU JUST KILLED SOMEBODY" Sonic yelled. "I have been working on shooting a shotgun for a while and now you notice?" Tails point out.

"I thought Tails was innocent little kid but now...." Tails doll looked out the window and at the dead person on the ground.

Tails got out of the car and looked down at the dead police officer on the ground.

Tails laughed at the dead body on the ground and thought damn they were so pathetic (😗)

Tails doll was trying not to get scared but when Tails laughed at someone that he had just killed. They jumped on Tara.

"Mr Dolly what are you doing?" Tara asked "♐︎♎︎♒︎❖︎🙰!" Tails doll scramble for a reason.

"Okie dokie my mother hits me if I get scared :3"Tara answered "My name is short for Tarantula wait MY name is Tarantula " Tara kept talking about how her mother hits her.

While Tails doll was planing to kill Tara's mother. Tails was putting the dead body in the trunk.

After that he went back in the car. Sonic didn't say anything to Tails (yk why) Tails took everyone to Sonic's house.

And Tails made everyone pancakes. after the pancakes he told them to go to sleep but Tails wanted to sleep with Tails so did Tara.

Tails wanted to shoot a 10 really bad but Sonic stopped him.

Tails had to sleep with Sonic but still he felt safe in his best friend's arms and he fell asleep in seconds.

366 words

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