Ohh I know what you are!

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Tails was flying with the the doll and saw a tag on it.

It said " To Sonic From Eggman"  "I KNEW IT" Tails yelled out.

The doll looked at him confused. They were almost at Sonic's house.

Tails and the doll landed at Sonic's house. Tails knocked on Sonic's door and he opened it.

"Hey Tails ya need something?" Sonic asked "Sonic look at this!" Tails showed Sonic the doll.

"Tails What is that?" Sonic asking "It's a doll of me also it was made from Eggman. It was for you but it ended up at my house" Tails explained.

"Ohh that explains why it's floating!" Sonic said "♐︎♎︎♒︎♒︎♎︎♎︎♑︎🙰♎︎⬧︎♑︎♓︎⬧︎♍︎❖︎🙰♐︎⬧︎⬧︎⌧︎" Tails doll spoke "Ummm..." Tails said in concern.

"One second Tails i'm going to call Eggman" Sonic told Tails "You can sit on the couch if you want"

"Okie dokie" Tails smiled as he sat down on Sonic's couch and turning on the TV.

The News were on so Tails continue to watch with the Tails doll hugging him.

"Breaking News a doll from robotnik's laboratory has escape. The police are looking for the doll because this doll is not safe for everyone and could hurt kids, adults and babies. If you see this doll please call ### ### ###"  The News reporter explained.

Tails was in shock and slowly was looking at Tails doll.

Tails was looking at the doll wondering if the doll would hurt him or Sonic.

"♍︎♒︎⬧︎🙰♐︎?" Tails doll looked at Tails

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