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A dark rainy day and a large room filled with screams of people being killed due to there crimes. "plz leave me, I will not do it again " and the voice end here as the person right Infront of him cut his head in to two pieces

" WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE, DO YOU THINK BY KILLING MY PEOPLE YOU ARE SAFE DO YOU EVEN HAVE ANY IDEA WHO ARE YOU MESSING UP WITH HA " as soon as he say this he receive a hard slap on his face " Don't you try to tell us who you are do you even know were are you and with whom you messed up " second person " We are not gonna kill you, you will die in hands of over king who you messed with " third person " And will pay for each and every thing in few minutes king will arrive, so be ready your death is near" and after saying that the three of them started laughing maniacally

After this the three of them went away as a sound of heavy boots start coming from the door side. All bodies were laying on the floor, the floor was filled with blood of people. Only one person who was near to die was tied with a large steel grill, whose whole life started flashing as soon as he hear the voice of boots. He started to move so he can run away but little did he know that he messed with the world biggest mafia king

As soon as the voice of heavy boots became more clear the man became more terrified. not long after a large tall handsome figure appeared in front of his eyes and he was shocked to see that he was non other but the world biggest mafia " KING KIM " as he gasped. before he could say another word from his mouth king shouted him 10 times all over his body and the person died.

(yes, it is non other but the world biggest mafia king kim taeyung also called king kim or king taeyung the only son of mafia family kim. He is the most heartless mafia ever known. Every mafia fear him and those who not end up dying. And he is also known as the most handsome mafia to whom every girl wanna marry.)

but no one ever imagined he would end up falling in love with a innocent uni girl who don't even know what mafia do or what is there actual job.





A girl woke up from her deep sleep after listening to the voices coming from out side of her room she went down straight only to find out her family has prepared a special birthday surprise for her yes this girl is lee Y/N who just turned 23. She belong to a middel class family. She has a twin brother who is a student as well as a part time jobber.

" Oh my daughter woke up, did you sleep well?" said Y/N mom while patting her head

"yes i did! but why did you all prepared all this there was no need i am already 23" Y/N said while looking towards her family

"OH my dear daughter you may have turned 23 for us you will always stay a child" Y/N father said to her

" Abbojiiiiiii " while saying this Y/N hugged his mother and father except his brother hoseok

"aham I think I also exisit in this family " Hoseok said while looking at Y/N

"Oh i forgot that i have a twin brother as well sorry bro happy birthday" Y/N said teasing

"From next time i will also forget that i have a stupid sis like you now get lost" hoseok said

After both of then argued as of there daily rotine they cut the cake and celebrated there birthday.

"aboji I have uni tomorrow " Y/N said in a sad expression while sitting on couch beside her family. " so you don't wanna go " Y/N father asked her in worried expression. " NO i will go this is last semester and i my final exams are about to start" Y/N said to her father. Y/N don't wanna go to uni but as it is her final semester she has to. She called her closest friend kim somi to ask her if she is coming to uni tomorrow as well

'Mafia Kings Maddest Love': 21+  ‖ THV ‖ King Of mafia's Kim TaehyungKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat