14 - 𝗟𝗶𝘃𝗲 𝗼𝗻

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Words: 826

Days went by and no matter how many times they checked the same places, their little sister was nowhere to be found.
(Y/N) was gone.

Sniffles and small cries could be heard from the boys almost every night through their bedroom door, making Dadan and bandits feel bad for them or worry.

With the grief and the guilt of their little sister probably dead, they continue on with their lives.
They had to, besides (Y/N) wouldn't want them to be depressed forever right?
She would want them to be happy!

Not again. Not again.
They couldn't lose someone else.



"No! Not Sabo too!"

The two boys scream.
They had lost two, two precious siblings.

( the next scene after this isn't in the show ) ~~~~~~~~~~}>

"Luffy, what are we gonna do...?"
Ace quietly asked his little brother, trying to not to cry.

The young strawhated boy couldn't even answer, there were already a million tears streaming down his face.
His arm covering his eyes as he sobbed.

For the first time, in a while at least, Ace slowly reached for Luffy's back, starting to pat gently.

Luffy feeling the kind gesture from his older brother, he starts to calm down.

"D-Did we really have to lose...b-both of them..?"
Luffy mumbled, his voice cracking and his hand wiping his tears.

Ace just shakes his head, still patting Luffy's back.

"At least they are in a better place now."
Ace gently said, looking up at sky.

Luffy then looked at the sky with him.

"I hope they're resting peacefully."
Luffy said.

"Yeah, me too."
Ace replied.


8 years later

Years past and the brothers finally start to get over the grief of their dead siblings, I mean they were resting, and they'd want them to be happy and live on.

So that is what they did.

Waving, Luffy waved goodbye to Ace as he sailed off to the unknown.

"Bye, Ace, let's meet again in the future! Okay?!"
Luffy yells with a big smile.

"See you then!"
Ace yells back with a grin.

When he was out of sight, Luffy stands there, looking out to the ocean. Admiring its beautiful waves as it crashed against the tan - colored sand.

He'd miss Ace but he knew that Ace was trying to achieve his dream...and Luffy will set sail not that much longer after...

So all he had to do was wait.

~~~~~~~~~~}> third person pov

(Y/N) panted as she rested her hands on her knees.

"Oh come on! You can do better than that!"
Fred exclaimed with a grin.

(Y/N) regains her composure as she strikes to hit Fred, but he blocks her easily, picking her up and slamming her to the floor.

She screams as she feels her bones cracking.
"I think I broke my arm."

Fred sighs in annoyance, calling Conner.


"Thanks, Conner."
(Y/N) says.

"Yep, no problemo."
Conner replies with a grin.

(Y/N) has been with the crew for a while now, so surprisingly, at least a little bit the crew had warmed up to her a little bit.
Even if she was being used.

I mean they were still asses to her but they have definitely created some type of bond with each other.

"Hey, Conner, when do you think this training will start to help with my mind power?"
I asked him, tilting my head.

"Well, I'd say if you keep at it, maybe a few months."
Conner said, shrugging.

The training that (Y/N) was doing was supposed to help her with her mind powers.
How it worked: with the moves that she would train to learn, and eventually be a pro at with her hands would be helpful to her mind power because she can fight with telekinetic abilities with the same moves.
( ex. She throws a punch and she can do that too with her mind when she mesmerizes it with physical training )

Over the years, (Y/N) has been training to also control her powers. She can't be exploding a head that she supposed to explode, right?

(Y/N) pouts."
"Awwww, man, that's too long!"
She whines.

Conner sighs and shakes with head with another grin, finishing up with (Y/N) clean up on her bruises and tightening the bandage on her now broken arm.
( it's in a cast )

"Okay, there you go, now go and rest for a bit, I'll make Fred bring you some soup."
Conner says, gesturing to the door.

(Y/N) nods, heading for the door before stepping out.

Conner, alone, in his medical room, he sighs again.

Why do I feel kind of bad for tricking her like this? I mean it's been years and I didn't mind for this long or why now?

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!!

𝗥𝗲𝘂𝗻𝗶𝘁𝗲𝗱 ( ASL x F!Reader) 𝘖𝘯𝘦 𝘱𝘪𝘦𝘤𝘦Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum