Chapter two: Schools grey walls.

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While I was dreaming I heard the alarm clock and automatically opened my eyes.

       September 9th, 2019

"Fuck! I'm going to be late!" I shouted.
I hadn't heard the previous alarms in my sleep.
I quickly got up and put on what I caught first. I ended up in a black shirt and a red and black checkered middle short skirt. I washed my face and teeth and quickly ran downstairs to put on my shoes.

As I passed the kitchen I saw Nadia who was startled to see me.
"Hey you're still here? It's 8:00am." She asked anxiously.
"Yes and I'm in an incredible hurry so I don't have time for our morning chit chat!" I told her and smiled. Every morning we eat breakfast together and gossip about our parents.
"Come on, I'll give you a ride." She offered.
Thank goodness she did because otherwise I would have been late on the first day and besides that I'm new.
"Thank you so much." I told her and got into the car which had a distinct smell. A smell of safety. I felt safe with my sister, she was the only person I had in this world.


"Have fun!" Nadia said with a smile on her lips. But we both knew that that was a lie. I wasn't going to have a good time.
"Good one." I told her ironically and laughed. I actually thought it was funny for some reason.
"Don't forget what I always tell you..." I knew what she was going to say.
"If you think everything is going to go wrong, then it will go wrong." We said at the same time and Nadia nodded as if to say exactly.
"I'll go now." She said putting down 
the handbrake and I gave her a big smile.
"Lyn" She called out my name and I turned to look at her.
"Yeah?" I replied, annoyed. I just wanted to go inside.
"Take care..." She meant it. She always means it but this time. As if she felt something was going to happen.
"You know I'm being careful." Another lie.
"Yes..." It was the most insecure yes I've ever heard.

She knew I wasn't telling the truth.

I turned my back on her to finally enter the school grounds, the gray, colorless school. I stood looking at it for a while.
I heard my sister's car start up, drive off, and then I took my first step inside.
I got in and found myself in some long hallways. I started looking for the principal's office, I went through several rooms. The dining hall, the physics room, the music room and I would say thousands of other rooms but the principal's office was nowhere to be found.

"Excuse me!" I yelled to a boy who was taking his books out of his locker. He seemed a bit weird, but it didn't matter.
"Yeah?" He answered hesitantly.
"Could you help me find the principal's office?" I asked him and waited for him to give me some directions.
"Of course, follow me." He said and I was surprised, I didn't expect him to take me there.

After a few stairs we climbed in silence I was caught up in the conversation.
"You're new here." He looked at me somewhat curiously.

I knew I would get that particular question many times over. Every year the same thing.

"Yes." I said smiling uncomfortably.
"What's your name?" He asked and I thought about giving him a fake name. Maybe some funny name.
"Icelyn, you?" I said holding back my thoughts.
I told him my whole name, no nickname.
"Scott." He looked at the floor. He was probably insecure.
"How's the school here? The kids?" I wanted so badly to know the answer to both my questions.
"Uh... Okay I guess, the teachers are good." He only answered one question, as if she didn't want to answer the other.
"The kids?" I persisted with my question knowing that for some unknown reason she wanted to avoid it.
"They're fine." He said angrily as he furrowed his brows.

Before I could say a word a group of boys started shouting in the distance.

"You motherfucker!" I couldn't make out which one of the 6 was saying it and I couldn't figure out who they ware saying it to but I would soon find out.
"Come here!" They said at least 3 people together and within a split second they had Scott cornered in a corner and were taunting him.
"Why is your face like this!"
"You want money for plastic surgery?"
"You're making our school look ugly you pimplehead!"
The comments came one after another. Scott was a kid with glasses and acne, not too tall with orange hair and blue eyes.

"Leave him alone!" I shouted as loudly as I could and all eyes turned to me. I was scared for a moment but something inside me said I was doing the right thing. They took a good look at me, looked at each other and started laughing. Why were they laughing?
"Hey, Scott, did you get a girlfriend, man?" The 3 of the 6 started to approach me menacingly while the other 3 continued to harass him.
"You're too much of a newbie to mess with us." Said one of them almost in a whisper as they continued to approach me. He really didn't know who I was or what power I had.
"It's because in front of me you're nothing." I said taking advantage of every aspect of my familys name.
"Do you know who I am?" His tone was different. He placed his hand on my jaw and pushed me, pinning me to the wall.

"Do you?!" He yelled in my face. At that moment I felt so weak and scared but that didn't stop me from teaching that asshole a lesson. To him and to the others.
"I don't care." I pushed him off of me. Perfect, my first day was going great.
"I'm sure you'll want to know who I am though." I said confidently without having any.
"I don't give a fu..."
"Celyn Ferrit." I said happily as I watched his eyes open wide.
"But of course... I'm sorry for the misunderstanding. Scott and I are friends." He began to back away and then the others followed.
"Whatever you need Lyn you know... Call us and we'll be there." He said smiling and winking at me. Bunch of bullshit.

"Are you okay?" I hurriedly went towards Scott to help him but he pushed me and said.
"Yeah, I'm fine. I don't need you."
What the hell? I just helped him and he says this?
"There's the principal's office." He showed me the door.
"Well, let's go report what just happened." I pushed him in an effort to help him.
"No! Can you just stay away from me?" He blurted out and got up and walked away as if I was the one who intimidated him.
I guess you can't save someone who doesn't want to be saved.

I knocked on the principal's door and then went inside.
"Hi, I'm sorry if I'm disturbing you. I'm the new student. Icelyn Ferrit." I hesitated. She stood up as if she had the mayor in front of her and greeted me with a smile.
"Come on in Icelyn!" She greeted me.

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