Ch.17: pity party

Start from the beginning

I walked into the main room, trying to find a guy worthy to dance with. And that's when I had an eye contact with a guy. If I remembered correctly, he was in Jean-Pierre's class. He smiled at me, waving me over. I smiled, coming close.

« What are you doing all alone out there ? »

« I want to dance but none of my friends will, it sucks » I pouted slightly.

« I'll dance with you, pretty girl »

He took my hand and brought me to the center of the dance floor.

I started dancing with him, my hands on his shoulders and my hips moving in a circular motion. His hands were on my waist, following my rythm.

« So, you wanna tell me who you're trying to make jealous ? » he asked, right in my ear, keeping our rhythm.

« The guy behind me, yellow jacket » I admitted.

« Good news for you, pretty girl, I'll have no issue pissing this fucker off, knowing he almost got my good friend Jean-Pierre expelled. And he is definitely looking, keep going »

I laughed, throwing my head backwards. A bit dramatic, but the alcohol was not helping. From an outside perspective, it definitely looked like we were flirting.

« Give me your hand » he asked, extending his own.

I gave it to him and he made me twirl. I could hear people cheering for us on the sides, Simone giving me thumbs up. It felt nice to be acclaimed by everyone. I honestly felt good, dancing with that boy, whatever his name was.

But I felt someone grab me by the wrist and pull me out of the room. I turned around to catch a glimpse of a yellow jacket dragging me to the hallway I first came in.

« What the hell are you doing ? »

« I'm dancing, Joseph. I didn't take you for a blind man yet »

« You know I'm not talking about that. What were you doing with that guy ? » he snapped.

« The same thing you were doing with Pichon's sister: having fun » I answered innocently.

« Don't be like that, Nora. You're the one who broke up with me, remember ? »

« Yet you pulled me out of the dance floor. How ironic »

« Fine. You can be angry about her, I know I took it too far. I'm sorry »

« You have a lot more to be sorry for. Drag me like that again and I won't hesitate to slap you again, understood ? »

I left him there, taken aback by my harsh tone. But instead of heading back, I made my way to the garden. I needed some fresh air.

That whole thing had been so tiring. I just wanted to lie in the grass and never get up again. So that's what I did. I first sat down in the middle of this huge garden before letting my back fall against the ground. It was weirdly peaceful to be there, even though I probably looked crazy to anyone walking by. I couldn't find it in me to care.

I was lying in the grass, eyes closed, enjoying the sun hitting my face when all of a sudden a big shadow towered over me. What a big cloud, I thought.

« You will end up being infested with ants if you stay down »

Definitely not a cloud. Here he was, one hand in his pocket, the other holding a glass of what I presumed was rhum.

« Good, I hope they devour you and that people will only find your teeth and your eyepatch to identify you » I said, my eyes still half closed.

He crouched down, glass of alcohol still in hand.

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