Ch.4: back to the city

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The disciplinary meeting of Jean-Pierre, Michele's brother was held today. A few days had past since Descamps' eye incident. He hadn't come back yet but I had overheard Dupin talking about his recovery. Apparently, he had completely lost the use of his left eye but there was no further damage.

The class was weirdly calm without him. No bad jokes thrown randomly, no inappropriate drawing circulating in the class. It finally felt like a normal school experience. Dupin had tried to take over his place but if Descamps' jokes were bad, then his were awful.

« He'll be fine Michele, your brother is an amazing student. Never had any trouble before this incident. They're not going to expel him » I reassured the nervous blonde by my side. It had become a routine that Simone and I would meet Michele outside her house to get to school together.

« Do I have to remind you Descamps lost an eye ? » Michele asked. « They're not going to let that slide » she sighed.

« But you know what's in his favor ? » Simone added.

« Please, do not say he still has his right eye » Michele begged.

« No, what's in his favor is that Descamps is still in recovery. The teachers are only going to see your brother; with his beautiful hair and his neat suit. Everybody will forget Mr. One-Eye » Simone assured.

As soon as the words left her mouth, every guy that was sat on the stairs looked at us. Well, not at us but more behind us. I turned around to see what caught their eye when I saw him.

The white patch on his face was the first thing I noticed. He had a stern look on his face, he definitely didn't want to be here today. He looked around a bit before stepping on school grounds. He walked straight to the building and disappeared inside. Everything stopped for a couple of seconds around us.

« Well, I hope you're right Nora, because if we follow Simone's words, Jean-Pierre is going to kill me. »

That morning, I couldn't focus on my classes for two reasons: 1) I felt pried on. No matter what I was doing, there were eyes following my every move. 2) I knew exactly who was watching me. And I didn't like it. Why was Descamps staring at me like he wanted to throw me out the window ? It would've made sense if he was glaring at Michele, she was, unintentionally, the reason he lost his eye. But me ? I couldn't figure out why.

« Don't stress it too much, Nora. He's probably still bitter you put him in his place before the fight » Simone told me. « You know what should stress you out ? Gym class. That is a reason to be nervous »

« I don't see why I should stress myself for gym class. They're probably going to make us do something different than the boys. We don't risk anything » I promised her.

« I would not bet on it. I tried my gym clothes on this morning and I tripped on my feet. I'm sure I have a bruise of the size of my head on my thigh »

« How did you manage to do that ? » Michele chuckled.

« I was making sure I could do anything in my gym shorts ! And then bam ! I hit the corner of my bed » Simone exclaimed.

The image of Simone, running on the spot in her room, trying to see if her shorts were looking fine, popped in my head and I just burst out laughing. I was laughing so hard, tears were forming in the corners of my eyes. Michele followed just a few seconds after and before you knew it, the three of us were in fists of laughter; it was impossible to stop. I was holding my stomach from laughing so much.

« We're going to be late, we have to change in the teachers' bathroom » a voice interrupted us.

I looked up to see Annick, with a confused look on her face. I wiped the tears off my face, still grinning from one ear to the other. I got up from my spot and helped Michele, who was still laughing, back up.

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