Ch.6: avalanche

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The more time passed, the worst my relationship with Mother became. But it all went down a Monday morning. I was baking muffins to bring to class the next day, I thought it would be a nice gesture for my classmates. I was finishing a Latin homework while they were in the oven, when she came downstairs.

« You know, Valérie was really disappointed to see you didn't join us yesterday. She wanted to introduce someone to you » she started.

Here we go again.

« I had homework to do. And I don't want to be introduced to her son, I know him already. Remember, Valérie's birthday party ?» I said calmly.

She scoffed at the word homework.

« When are you going to come back to your senses? » she asked bitterly. « You don't need all of that » she motioned to my Latin homework.

I had to remind myself to stay calm, I didn't want to start a fight. Again.

« I do. You know I want to get into university » I reminded her shortly. I started gathering my stuff as I was running late and knew staying here would cause more harm than good.

« When you say that, I wonder if I failed your education » she sighed.

I stopped in my tracks.

« What do you mean ? Thomas, Gabriel and Jean-Marc all went to high school. Jean-Marc is a doctor and Gabriel is a successful writer in the press. Both went to university, and I don't think you failed their education » I argued.

« It's not the same for you, darling » she said, lighting a cigarette. « I would have loved for you to take over the flower shop, find a nice husband and give me grand babies »

« Remember the deal with dad, no talk about this until the end of the school year » I told her, carefully placing the muffins in a box. « And maybe one of your perfect sons will give you a grandkid » I snickered.

« Don't take it like that, Honora. And watch your mouth » she threatened.

« How else am I supposed to take it !? » I asked loudly. « You promised I could try and go to school for one year, that if I proved I could do well, there would be no more talks of marriage and flowers. You know what, Mother? I'm doing good, really good. I may not be top of my class, but I am doing more than fine. The teachers are congratulating me, and telling me that if I keep working like I do, I'll get my diploma without any worry »

She tried to talk but I kept going.

« Can't you even try to be happy for me ? » I pleaded. « I know it's not what you wanted for me, but I'm happy. I really am. So why can't you be proud of me? » I asked with a small voice.

Her mouth was wide open, no sound coming out. After a few moments, I understood she would not answer my question. I simply got my things and left without a word.

Once at school, I offered some muffins to the girls.

« Sorry about the state of the muffins, they ended slammed on my kitchen table this morning » I laughed.

They both eagerly took one.

« You fought with your mom again ? » asked Simone between two bites

I laughed it off.

« Yes, she was so sad I could not meet her friend's ugly son » I explained. « As if I don't have enough boy issues here »

They laughed.

« Does he go here ? » Michele asked.

« Thank god, no. He's at that rich kids high school, in the suburbs » I told « It would be my last straw, Antoine at Voltaire »

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