Ch.2: first classes

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The teachers didn't like us very much, I quickly noticed. Our first teacher, Mrs. Giraud, was no exception. She had small vicious eyes that could look into your soul if you made eye contact with her. Her first victim was the girl in the front row, who sat next to Pichon.

« Your name, young lady? » she asked her.

The blonde stood up, quickly adjusting her dress.

« Annick Sabiani, madam » she answered.

« And where do you think you are, Miss Sabiani ? » she spat out. « Do you think you can sit next to a boy? »

The girl slightly widened her eyes. I looked to the girls on my side with a frown. Was it a bad thing she sat next to him ? We were obviously going to share classes, the boy would not implode if she sat there. Michele mirrored my look and shrugged her shoulders.

« Pack your stuff and go to the last row » she ordered. As Annick was gathering her stuff, Giraud interrupted her. « Not you. Him » as she pointed to Pichon.

« But I can't see well from the back » he pleaded.

« At the back and quickly » she raised an eyebrow.

He gathered his stuff quickly and I sent a small smile his way when he passed me, well, attempted to pass me. The moment he was next to my desk, he stumbled on an extended leg. That made the entire class laugh and I could distinctly hear pig noises from some boys. I looked to the left to see who tripped him and was met with a guy still laughing at Pichon. Had he not be so mean, he would be pretty cute. His features were soft in contrast to his sharp jaw. He was wearing a short sleeved white polo and his glasses were sitting high on his nose. His hair looked fluffy and a bit messy. Okay, he was definitely handsome. An asshole, but cute.

He looked at me, a small smirk still on his lips as he asked « A problem, sweetheart ? »

« Yeah » I snapped back. « Could you please keep your legs under your desk ? You're invading my space » with a fake smile.

« I can invade something else if you'd like » he laughs.

I made a face and turned my attention back to the board. It was definitive. I hated boys.

Latin class was no better. Not only was I clearly not that good in Latin, but the teacher acted like none of the girls existed. A difficult act if you asked me, as Annick's hand shot in the air each time he asked a question. That girl was a genius, clearly hardworking and I couldn't help but smile a little when he finally let her answer a question after Descamps' reflection.
Descamps. So, pretty asshole had a name. He definitely was a class clown, as one bad joke from him would get all the boys laughing.

As I was scribbling down the next sentence to translate, the teacher spoke out loudly.

« You. Give me that » I turned around to see the guy behind me get up, a piece of paper in hand.

« What's this ? Do you find it funny ?» the teacher asked.

« It's not me » answered the student.

« Really ? So who is behind this masterpiece ? »

I looked around to see if anyone seemed guilty. That's when I saw Michele glaring at Descamps, looking innocently at the teacher. Okay, now it made sense.

« Your name ? »

« I haven't done anything wrong » the student argued.

« All you troublemakers have the same name. I guess you're all siblings then » he laughs bitterly. « So Mr. I haven't done anything wrong- »

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