Ch.5: highway to hell

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I glanced in Descamps' direction. He was looking right at me. Ever since this morning, his stare was burning me like fire and now was not any better.
I reluctantly walked towards him but I made sure to sit at the opposite end of the bench. I kept my back straight and avoided any eye contact with him.

I heard him chuckle.

« You're not screaming in my face anymore, Verssel? » he started.

I looked to my left, surprised he talked to me. His head was resting in his hand.

« You didn't act like an ass today, so I've got no reason to scream at you » I answered simply. « Like a creep, maybe, but you weren't an ass » I added. That seemed to set him off because he leaned towards me, a menacing look on his face.

« A creep ? I lost my eye because of you but I'm the creep? » he hissed.

I was taken aback. My fault ? How was it my fault Jean-Pierre punched him?

« I don't think we have the same memory of what happened. You pulled a bad prank on Michele, her brother came to hit you, you lost your eye. End of story. I don't see where I fit in this » I snapped. I was not going to be blamed for the consequences of his bad actions. I felt anger bubbling in my stomach. He was about to argue back when I stopped him.

« Be careful about what you're about to say, Descamps. I may not be Jean-Pierre but I won't hesitate to shut you up. »

He scoffed, his lips formed a slight smirk.

« Really? » he raised his eyebrow. «  How do you plan on doing that, sweetheart ? »

Sweetheart. It would be lying to say my heart didn't skip a bit at that moment. He had the nick to get under my skin. That was it. Nothing more. I was saved by the bell, rather by the whistle of Mr. Moreau as he announced class was over. I quickly got up and skipped to the exit. One last glance behind me confirmed he was still watching me.

« Are you okay? » asked Annick. She looked back to where I sat before.

« Yeah » I assured her. « Don't worry »

But I was getting worried. If he held me responsible for his eye, what would he do ? He seemed like the type to hold grudges. I pushed those thoughts to the back of my head. We had a small break before History class and I decided to take some fresh air to clear my mind. That's when I saw an odd sight. Pichon and Descamps talking. Descamps was not mocking him, even though Pichon looked puzzled and a bit disappointed. And then, they both turned to me. I was too far to hear what they were saying but I was not stupid. They were talking about me.

When Pichon walked by me, I called out to him.

« What was that about ? » I questioned him.

Pichon sighed and took a double take at Descamps before telling me what happened.

« During PE today, Applebaum took his glasses off and set them on his towel. Except that, when he came back for them, they were missing. We looked everywhere but his glasses were nowhere to be found. » He hesitated but added « And well.. Descamps being Descamps, I figured he took advantage of the commotion of your incident to take them »

« Are you right ? Did he take them ? » I asked.

« Yes but he refused to give them back until I had something to give him in exchange. So I told him I knew the answer to the question to become class president » he mumbled.

I frowned. Pichon ? Knowing the answer to Giraud's question ? But then, it became clear.

« Annick knew the answer, right? » I asked. He nodded in response. « She gave it to you because she trusted you and you gave it to Descamps » he nodded again. « I mean that in the nicest way possible Pichon, but you're an idiot! » I exclaimed, throwing my hands in the air.

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