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Zoya Khan opened her beautiful eyes which were still drowsiness in sleep when the sun of the other day shined. Yesterday right at twelve o clock Shanzal Ali Shah wished her very beautiful words. They were talking late at night sharing about life with each other.

On Shanzal Ali Shah's wish, Zoya Khan's birthday celebration function was arranged in his home. That's why as he woke up in the morning, he started preparing for the arrangements.

In the afternoon, he got free from outdoor activities and came back to his home. It was the time when he remembered the gift he has to give to Zoya on her birthday.

All arrangements have been done. Guests started arriving at the venue. Zoya Khan was dressed in a purple shade frok which was embellished with delicate embroidery work. She was looking breathtakingly beautiful.

Though extremely tired he was still not well dressed and strolling here and there behind Zoya whispering in her ear and praising her beauty. He excused her and went to the nearby market to purchase a gift for her.

He was intended to purchase a beautiful diamond set for Zoya Khan. That's why he stopped his car in front of the biggest jewelry shop in the city. Zoya hardly gives him fifteen minutes for letting him go.

That's why at least not for today he doesn't want to hurt her. He was engrossed in himself locking the door of his car and walking briskly he enters the shop.

In front of his eyes, a lot of sets were glimmering. When he chooses a very delicate and expensive set for Zoya Khan. After packing the set and paying the money he went out of the shop taking fast steps. When someone familiar sobbing voice reached his ear.


"Look.....why are you not believing me, by swear of God that I didn't touch any gold set, my daughter is sick, I was here to sell my bangles for her treatment, for God's sake let me go, please I am not a thief."

This teary-filled voice which he can recognize in millions. Only then he became numb. In a moment, his hand and feet feel lifeless. Senseless nerves he kept standing there and become frozen.

"Look Miss, other than you no one else the customer is here on this portion so that we can become suspicious of him doing theft, set was disappeared now, so no one else can do this work other than you, if you don't agree easily then we will have to call to the police."

In a moment, Shanzal Ali Shah gets to know the whole situation. So without any further Ado, he darted towards them.

"Excuse me."

On Shanzal Ali Shah's voice not only Hoor ul Ain turned and gazed at him but all the customers and workers present there also becomes attentive towards him.

"What's happening here.....? And you....why you came here without informing me."

At that moment, he can't control himself so he harshly slaps Hoor ul Ain's teary face till it turns red. So after giving a cold glare to her form, he becomes attentive to the salesman.

"Yes, Mister..... kindly you tell me, what's the matter?"

"Who are you?"

The salesman in return asks him a question. So after a while, he said.

"I'm her close associate, tell me what's the matter."

Hoor ul Ain's eyes were lowered now. She can't see what is happening to her. She really wants that earth to burst and she engulfs her inside.

"Look mister, now an earlier this miss came to us along with her gold bangles, I welcomed her and after analyzing her bangles I gave her it's the total amount, before this miss's arrival I was showing a gold set to one of the females, that woman went from here the set was here till then. Other than that miss no other customer was here. After I paid her the due money I became attentive towards the set, but the set wasn't seen anywhere, now you tell me if we don't become suspicious of her then who else we will be and when she is extremely in need of money."

How much insult she has to face, she was just trying to suppress her tears. At least in front of Shanzal Ali Shah, she doesn't want to be humiliated that much. Again her luck has forced her to become indebted to him.

"I see, but I assure you that she can't think of doing any such nasty act. There must be some other reason but still, I am ready to pay you double payment of the set, you will have to excuse her in return."

Shanzal Ali Shah's tone was void of any concession. Only then Hoor ul Ain was startled and looked at him with popping eyes. She shook her head negatively.

"No, I don't want to burden myself anymore  because of your favors."

"Shut up, now it's for your betterment that you keep standing silently, ok."

In a completely dry tone, Shanzal Ali Shah scolded her. When Hoor ul Ain tears further start flowing. The salesman himself was astonished and looked at him with an open mouth. But before he could answer something to Shanzal Ali Shah, his eyes randomly went to the side of the gold set and the box which was half opened.

Thinking something to himself he picked up the box. He was grounded when he found there were two sets inside it which were scattered.

Everyone present in the shop was looking at his face. 

"S..... sorry, it all happened hurriedly and in carelessness, I didn't get to know that in mistake I put that set in the box of another set."

The salesman's guilty words if on the one side give relief to Hoor ul Ain then on the other side further intensified Shanzal Ali Shah's rage.

"Wow.... what a thing you said....? You have been insulting my relative for a long time. You have made her position awkward in the presence of so many people here. Even you threatened her with handing over her to the police when it's you who is at fault. What do you think that she came here because of her helplessness so she doesn't have anyone? No one will be there to talk about her. If I want I can sue you for disrespecting her and take you behind prison bars. From now on have some respect for your customers."

Saying sternly to him, he grabbed Hoor ul Ain from her arm and pulled her along with himself outside to his car. Then silently he pushed her to the front seat of the car and himself came towards the driving seat.

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