Another Tragedy

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"Hello Mr..... right now we are talking from Karachi airport, we have very sad news for you, the flight coming from Doha to Pakistan suffered an accident because of bad weather conditions, we are trying to contact the acquaintances of those who lost their lives, we have to tell you very sadly that in this accident Mr. Zeeshan and his wife Mrs. Sehrish also lost their lives, we contacted you as we saw your contact number in their recent calls in their phone, please...... you have to come here as soon as possible."

Shanzal Ali Shah becomes dumb. With shivering hands, he lost hold of his phone, which fell on the floor. With extreme difficulty, he takes hold of himself and made himself take onto the near sofa and set on it like falling.

His heart was caught by violet and unbearable storms. Hoor ul Ain was staring at him with an astonished look. The man with a strong demeanor and strength was looking more scattered now.

But before she could dare to ask him, he pressed his wet eyes and addressed her.

"Right now I am going to Karachi airport, stay here till I come back, please....."

As soon as he said, in an instant, he came out of the wide lounge. Hoor ul Ain, just kept him calling back with an astonished look in her beautiful eyes.

But Shanzal Ali Shah didn't look back at her. In a jiffy, he took out of his car from the garage and came out of the house.

With trembling hands, he finds it hard to drive the car. That's why after some moments, he stopped his car in the middle of the road.

The man who always gets through no matter how big the difficulties were, lets his head fall on the steering wheel and cries like a child.

Somewhere in his heart, he was feeling tormented for Hoor ul Ain who lost her last support then on the other side, his heart was not accepting the fact that he lost the sister who was dearer to his life in a tragic accident.

Her smile and teary face kept appearing in front of his eyes. And his heart felt like getting shattered into pieces that fell on his feet. His hand and feet became lifeless in a moment.

This harsh life, at last, has taken away the only blood relative he had. In his pain-stricken eyes,  tears were invaluable that were seeping down his cheeks.

Unaware of his surroundings, this man now was letting out all his inside pain through tears.  He couldn't drive the car at that moment. That's why in helplessness he had to call his close friend and asked him to come here.

The day has gone and now with each passing moment, the evening has started engulfing the darkness of night. The way the time was slowly creeping had made Hoor ul Ain's heart run wild in worries.

The way the phone slipped from Shanzal Ali Shah's hand and how he becomes senseless was enough to shake her heart run rapidly. 

Her fragile heart was beating rapidly and her intuition was signaling to her something wrong has happened. She wasn't getting what she should do now.

Her legs become numb because of strolling here and there restlessly. Every passing moment was intensifying her restlessness. She again heard the heartbreaking sound of the sirens of an ambulance.

And she came to sit on the floor motionless. Her eyes were popping out seeing the calamity fall on her. She wasn't in a position to keep her senses intact.

Her heart felt like getting blasted because of the intensity of the pain. She wants to cry madly, she doesn't believe in the things that are happening now.

But her senses were so weak now that she can't stop her opened eyelashes from closing by her will.

Shanzal Ali Shah ran to her fastly to hold her fragile body, which was staggering, in his arms. 

But.....till then it was very late. Her white-turned face and her fastly closing eyelashes led her into the helm of darkness. At that moment, in extreme agony, he holds her cold hand hands into his warm hand.

Her lips have been colorless from lipstick for a long time and it has turned blue at that moment. With every passing moment, he feels like she is distancing herself from him.

He hardly took out his phone from the coat pocket and started to dial a number. And then he pressed her fragile body more closer to himself in his arms. It seems that he also lost his patience.

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