Chapter 12 (Harry)

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The next morning Harry woke up in Louis' arms, as his boyfriend, and Harry couldn't be happier. The little voice inside his head, however, made him doubt whether Louis truly meant it or if it was a spur of the moment thing. 

Harry was trying to get up but Louis' arm around him tightened. He tried moving it but it was no use. Then Louis groaned and started waking up. 

"Good morning, boyfriend," he said, squinting his eyes against the sunlight streaming into the room.

"Good morning boyfriend," Harry replied with a smile, "Did you sleep well?"

"Very," Louis said giddily.

"I'm glad, me too," Harry said, "Do you want to go down and have breakfast before we leave?"

"No I don't want to leave," Louis whined, "I want to stay in bed with you and cuddle all day."

"Me too," Harry agreed, "But our parents are going to be wondering where we are."

"No I don't want to talk to my parents. They're the reason I can't cuddle with you all day at home," Louis groaned and clung to Harry. Harry chuckled.

"C'mon, this is Liam's house, we can't stay here forever," Harry said. 

"Ugh," Louis groaned but got up, pulling Harry up with him until they were standing so close their noses were touching.

"Morning breath," Harry whispered.

"Don't care," Louis breathed and kissed Harry, cupping Harry's cheeks with his hands. This kiss was a sweet one and Harry's insides melted from it. They separated so they could brush their teeth and put on their clothes that they had worn last night before making their way downstairs to say hi to the rest of the boys. Liam was the only one awake at the moment.

"Hey lads," Liam greeted, "Morning."

"Good morning Liam," Louis said in a cheerful voice.

"Morning," Harry said. He moved next to Liam so he could get himself some tea. Liam looked over at him and his eyes widened.

"Harry," Liam started, "Is that a hickey on your neck?"

Harry blushed, "Um..."

"Yes, yes it is," Louis said proudly, "Given to him by his amazing boyfriend."

Harry grinned and got butterflies in his stomach. He'd never get over hearing him being called Louis' boyfriend.

"OH MY GOD!!!" Liam shouted excitedly, "IT'S ABOUT TIME!" 

He ran to bring Harry and Louis into a group hug but it didn't end up lasting very long because he kept jumping up and down with excitement. 

"I'm so happy for you two!" Liam exclaimed. 

"Ugh, happy about what?" Niall grumbled as he walked into the kitchen rubbing his eyes.

"Hey Niall," Louis greeted, "When did you wake up?"

"When Liam started screaming," Niall mumbled, "I'm surprised Zayn didn't wake up too."

He paused for a minute then said, "Actually, no I'm not." 

We all laughed and Niall went back to his original question, "So, what's got Liam so excited?" 

"LOUIS AND HARRY ARE BOYFRIENDS!" Liam shouted excitedly after looking over at Louis and Harry to make sure it was ok for him to say. Harry didn't know why Liam needed confirmation when they told him, but it was nice of him to double check.

"OH. MY. GOD!" Niall screamed and tackled Louis and Harry, "DID THIS HAPPEN LAST NIGHT? AFTER THE DARE?!" 

Harry chucked at Niall's excitedness, "Yes Niall, it did. Thanks for that, by the way." 

"I can't tell if that's sarcastic or not," Niall mused.

"A little bit of both," Harry admitted. Just when Louis, Harry, and Niall had gotten back up, Zayn came running down and tackled Louis and Harry back down again.

"Woah there Zayn," Louis chucked, "What was that for?"

"I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU TWO!" Zayn exclaimed.

"How'd you even..." Louis started asking but trailed off.

"I got woken up by Liam's screaming so I was trying to go back to sleep but then I heard Liam screaming that you two are boyfriends so then I had to try and get myself out of bed so I could come down here," Zayn explained.

"Why'd it take you so long?" Harry asked jokingly.

"Um because it's really hard to get out of bed," Zayn said. Everyone laughed at that. 

"But seriously, we all are really happy for you," Zayn said, "Just one question. Louis, how are you going to be in a relationship with Harry when your parents are the most homophobic people I've met?"

"Uh, I didn't really think about that but I'm sure I'll find a way," Louis said while hugging him, "I'll do anything for Harry." 

"Aww," everyone cooed. Harry blushed and looked down, smiling softly. He was so happy that Louis was there for him and returned the feelings Harry felt as strong as him, if not stronger. 


A/n: ik the ending felt a little rushed but oh well. this is where the story starts getting exciting. 

also, did the way they got together seem a little rushed to you? it did to me but i kinda wanted them together asap because i wanted the drama to happen to them as a couple instead of apart, to make them stronger and all that. 

If the Whole World was Watching (L.S.)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें