Chapter 3 (Louis)

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Louis' heart was officially broken. There was nothing that could be done to heal it now. Eleanor seemed to notice his shift in attitude because she immediately stopped talking.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

Louis just shook his head. He could bare to think about it. He couldn't say it out loud. He didn't want to make it more real. He wanted to pretend that he had imagined it. She seemed to read his facial expressions and understand, so she dropped the topic, but they had stopped talking after that.

Harry seemed to notice his mood shift too, but didn't comment on it because of how Louis reacted last time. Louis was secretly glad for that because it gave him some time to think how he's going to slowly start removing himself from Harry. They say the best way to get over someone is to avoid them, right?

He needs to be less affectionate and excited around him so he could get over the fact that Harry had said that he and Louis would never happen in a million years. Sighing, he realized there's nothing he could do to avoid thinking about that one sentence. How could he? He's been pining over this boy for years, and one sentence broke his heart. He got up from the table so he could clear his head. The beauty about lunch period is that the students are in the cafeteria or in classes, and the teachers are in the lounge eating somewhere or teaching classes, so the hallways are empty. And quiet. Perfect for taking a stroll and clearing his mind.

He wandered aimlessly until he heard the familiar chattering of his schoolmates getting closer. He decided he might as well just head to his locker. Louis knew it was mean to leave his lunch there for someone else to pick up, but right now he couldn't care less. He got his stuff out of his locker and headed straight to class, taking a detour to avoid Harry's locker which would normally be on the way to his class. Unfortunately, that meant passing by Zayn's locker. He had forgotten that Zayn's locker was in the other hallway. Shit. Zayn knew about his crush and was going to ask what happened. He didn't find any reason to lie to him, but he didn't want to talk about it. It's much harder to lie to someone who knows you're lying.

Speak of the devil, "Hey! Louis!" Zayn caught up to him.

"Hey," Louis said weakly.

"What happened? Why did you leave lunch early?" Zayn asked, concerned.

"I overheard Harry saying that me and him will never happen in a million years," Louis choked out.

"Awh, Louis," Zayn patted his back, "Did you hear the context?"

"No, but why does it matter?" Louis asked.

"I guess it doesn't," Zayn sighed, knowing it wasn't true but also knowing that Louis didn't want to hear it.

"Hey, it'll be ok. At least now you know you won't even get the chance to put Harry through all the pain you said he'd have to go through because of your parents," Zayn tried to be comforting.

Louis perked up at that, "You're right. Him not liking me may mean I have to live my life in heartbreak, but at least he can still be free and happy. That's all that really matters."

~ Zayn POV ~

As he heard Louis speak those words, he came to a realization. What Louis felt for Harry wasn't more than a simple crush. It was love. Pure love. And that just made his heart ache for his friend so much more because he loved Harry so much but it seemed to him as if Harry didn't love him back.

Zayn was thinking that there was a completely different context, that maybe Niall was teasing and Harry was sure that they couldn't be together because of Louis' girlfriend. But everyone could see that they don't have romantic feelings for each other. The only thing they do is hug and talk. They don't go on dates, they rarely kiss, and that bullshit about respecting PDA is bullshit because even the most respectful couples still peck each other on the lips in greeting or saying bye. No one can be that good at resisting their partner.

Louis confirmed it himself to him, but he's surprised no one else has caught on. Louis had told him that he's the only person that knows.

~ Louis POV ~

"Zaynie?" Louis asked, "You ok? You seem a little lost in thought."

"Oh yea, I'm fine," Zayn snapped out of it.

"So I got to go to class mate, thanks for... you know..." Louis trailed off.

"Yeah, of course, anytime. Thank you for trusting me," Zayn said.

Louis went into his class. It's not like he could focus, though. He guesses he'll just have to settle for being Harry's closest friend, and nothing more. The thought breaks his heart, but it's the truth.

Later that night when he got home he got a text from Harry. 

Hazza ❤️: Louuu are you ok??

Hazza ❤️: You left lunch early looking a little upset 

Louis: Yes Harry I'm fine. 

Hazza ❤️: are you sure?

Louis: yea, today was just an off day for me ig. i'm fine.

Hazza ❤️: it hurts me whenever you're upset and don't tell me why 😢 

Louis doesn't know what to say. He can't tell Harry that he's the reason that he's upset. 

Louis: i was just depressed today is all, one of those days 

 Louis: i promise i'm not keeping anything from you 

Wow. It's so easy to lie over text. No one can see your facial expressions or hear the tone of your voice. He should really consider talking more over text now. 

Hazza ❤️: you sure? 

Louis: yes :) now i have to go 

Hazza ❤️: ok, bye :(

Louis: bye

Louis was proud of himself. He managed to end the conversation pretty quickly. Step one of getting over the love of his life, done.

Woah. Wait a minute. 

Love of his life? 

Since when has he ever thought that? He thinks back to how he feels about Harry, how he is when Harry's around, and how the smallest things that Harry does has him swooning, and he realizes. Maybe he is in love with him after all.

That realization makes today hurt even more though, and he hates himself for even thinking that thought. Of course his brain and heart didn't want him getting over Harry. Of course he had to realize he was in love with him after Harry had said they could never be a thing. Oh how much he hates life. 

A/N: poor louis. 😭

sry this chapter was a filler chapter. 

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