Chapter 8 (Harry)

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It broke Harry's heart that Louis had to go through something so horrible with his parents. It broke Harry's heart again to hear Louis say that he doesn't have a crush on Harry. But he can't focus on that right now, he has to focus on being there for Louis because Louis needs him now more than ever.

During school the next morning, Harry immediately went up to Louis and hugged him. Louis squeezed him tightly back and buried his face into Harry's shoulder.

"Hi," Louis whispered.

"Hi," Harry whispered back, and they stayed like that until they were interrupted by the rest of their friends.

"Is this what I think it is?" Zayn asked when he saw Louis and Harry hugging tightly. Harry didn't know what he was talking about but it seemed as if Louis did.

"No," he said hurriedly, breaking the hug immediately. That just left Harry even more confused.

"How'd it go yesterday?" Eleanor asked.

Harry whipped his head around so fast he got whiplash, "You told Eleanor too?!"

"No! I didn't! I was talking with her on the phone when my mom came in. That's how she found out in the first place!" Louis said.

"What were you talking to her about that made her realize?" Harry asked, a little frustrated.

"Wait! Pause!" Niall intervened, "What happened yesterday?"

"I'm gay-" Louis started explaining, but was interrupted by Niall.

"YOU'RE GAY?!" Niall yelled, "And you didn't tell any of us?! Is this what Harry was so upset about the other day?"

"Yes, but-" Louis tried again.

"I can see why! Did you not trust us or something? And why would you tell Zayn before Harry? Not that anything's wrong with you Zayn," Niall said quickly, turning to Zayn before turning back to Louis, "But you and Harry are like attached at the hip!"

"OKAY NIALL I GET IT!" Louis yelled, "I didn't tell Zayn, he figured it out on his own. Now, yesterday I was talking to Eleanor about something and it happened to be related to my sexuality and my mom heard, so as we can all imagine, she was not happy. I hung up with Eleanor so I could call Harry because he's the only one I wanted to talk to at that moment. He always says the right thing."

Harry's heart melted when Louis said the last part, "Oh, Lou..."

"Wait, you two can have your sappy moment later," Niall interrupted again, "So what happened?"

"They said that I need to keep my girlfriend and stay away from Harry," Louis said.

"Why do you need to stay away from Harry?" Liam asked.

"Because they think that he's the one who 'turned me gay'" Louis said.

"What does that even mean?!" Niall asked, throwing his hands up in the air.

"I think it just means they think that I like him," Louis shrugged.

"I mean... they're not wrong," Zayn said under his breath. Harry heard, though, and his head snapped to Zayn. Louis also heard and Harry saw him shoot Zayn a glare. Zayn put his hands up innocently when he saw multiple pairs of eyes on him.

"Louis, I'm so sorry that you have to go through that," Liam apologized.

"'S fine, not your fault," Louis said.

They went their separate ways to their classes. The day was pretty boring so Harry was excited when lunch had come around.

"LouLou!" Harry exclaimed when he saw Louis.

"Hazza!" Louis laughed, "You sounded just like Daisy and Phoebe right now."

"Hey!" Harry pouted.

"It's ok, bigfoot," Louis patted Harry's back.

Harry snorted, "Look at you, shorty."

It was Louis' turn to pout, "Hey!"

Harry just laughed and started talking, "Speaking of your sisters, when will I ever get to see them?"

Louis sighed, "I don't know. Maybe I can offer to take them out for my parents and bring them to your house?"

"Really?" Harry's eyes lit up.

"If I didn't know any better I would think you're just friends with me to hang out with my sisters," Louis said.

"I am just friends with you to hang out with your sisters. They're the cutest," Harry said.

"Hey! That's mean," Louis pouted.

"Aww is my Loubear upset?" Harry cooed, "I'm sorry."

Louis just hit his chest, "Oh my god, shut up!"

"So, can you do it tonight? We don't have that much homework today and who knows when that will ever happen again," Harry said.

"Sure," Louis said. Harry knew that Louis didn't want to admit it, but he knew that Louis secretly loved how he got along with his sisters so well.

"What are you two talking about?" Niall asked when he had gotten his lunch and sat down next to Harry.

"A way I can see the Tommo sisters," Harry said.

"Cool, they're such cuties," Niall said.

"What about me?" Louis asked.

"Yes, you're a cutie too Lou," Harry assured him.

"We all are cuties," Niall declared, right when Liam and Zayn sat down at the table.

"What did we miss?" Liam asked.

"Harry's getting to see the Tommo girls after school today," Niall exclaimed.

"Oh that's fun," Zayn smirked.

"Shut up," Louis grumbled. Harry just looked confusedly between the two.

They ate the rest of their lunch while joking around with one another before Zayn seemed to come up with an idea.

"We should have a lads night sometime soon," Zayn said.

"Yeah, that's a good idea," Louis agreed. Thank god Eleanor had stopped sitting at their table because it would've been awkward.

"When?" Niall asked in between bites of his food.

"How about Friday night?" Liam offered, "My place. No one's going to be home because my parents have to go for a business trip from Thursday through Sunday."

"Sounds good, everyone agrees?" Zayn asked.

"Yeah," the whole table agreed.

"Great!" Zayn clapped his hands excitedly. Harry couldn't help but wonder what was going on in that brain of his because there was no way that Zayn wasn't planning something. Especially when he saw Zayn and Niall smirking at each other. 

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