Chapter Forty-Five: From a Whisper to a Scream

Start from the beginning

"Give us a sec." Meredith informed her boyfriend.

"When I get back there better be some sеx." Derek mummbled.

"Why are you all sweaty and ick?" Meredith asked Cristina as Eddie joined her friend on her bed.

"I jogged to Eddie's." Cristina said as if it explained it all.

Meredith and Eddie shared a look. It was common knowledge that Cristina hated running and she swore it off when they had all decided to go for a run the morning Cristina lost her ectopic pregnancy. So, that is why Eddie knew there was something wrong with their friend.

"You don't jog. Christina..." Meredith reminded her.

"What if Derek or Mark robbed a bank?" Cristina asked her friends.

"Together or separate?" Eddie quipped getting a look from both her friends.

Cristina shot her friend a 'really' look while Meredith turned to focus once again on Cristina.

"What?" Meredith asked Cristina.

"Say Derek and Mark are robbing a bank...and while they were in there, you were waiting outside, cause it was your job to drive the get away car." Cristina said.

Meredith and Eddie shared a look, while Eddie had tried to play it off with humor, this was the strangest line of questioning ever.

"It's a good call for them choosing Meredith for a get away driver, I would hate to leave Frankie without a mother and a father." Eddie commented.

"Why would Derek and Mark rob a bank?" Meredith asked her.

"Just go with me here." Cristina begged as the two friends nodded in seriousness.

"Okay, Derek and Mark are robbing a bank." Eddie said.

"And they get caught. And no one knows you were involved, cause you were driving the car." Cristina rambled.

"Okay, Derek and Mark are in jail, I'm in the mystery car. What's the question?" Meredith asked.

"Would you turn yourself in? Or would you stay quiet and let Derek and Mark go down for a robbery in which you were a complicit participant? Or would you stand by him?" Cristina asked her friends.

"Well... whose idea was it to rob the bank?" Eddie asked.

"I don't know...his! But you helped. I mean could you live with yourself if you walked away and let the man you love take the fall?" Cristina said.

"If you tell us, maybe we can help. If you tell us..." Meredith offered

"I'll see you at work." Cristina said.

"I drove you," Eddie said, "and the hospital is over an hour's run from here." 

"Cristina, you don't jog. We don't jog." Meredith reminded her.

"Has George said anything to either of you?" Cristina asked. 

"About what?" Meredith and Eddie asked together.

 "I jog sometimes... without either of you. " Cristina said not wanting to admit to her friends what she was doing.


Eddie and Cristina made their way out of Meredith's room, and made their way back downstairs and they passed George who had just exited the kitchen.

"How's your dad?" Cristina asked George.

"His surgery is today." George informed them.

"You have nothing to worry about." Cristina promised as Eddie looked at them confused, not sure what they were talking about. 

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