Chapter Twelve: Make Me Loose Control

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Eddie, Meredith, and Cristina are jogging in the park. Though, Eddie and Cristina were doing this under protest. Neither pregnant women wanted to go running, but Meredith had been persistent. She basically dragged them out of her house, where all three had slept in the same bed after a long shift the day before.

"Uh...Uh." Cristina gasped out of breath. She hated jogging.

Meredith jogs back to her, to check on her, but after a moment, Cristina starts jogging again.

"Oh you're stupid. Oh God. You're stupid, evil, sadist and I wanna kill you." Cristina panted.

"I'll help." Eddie informed her friend, sounding winded.

"Endorphins are good. Endorphins are mood elevators. This is supposed to make us feel better." Meredith explained her reasoning.

"So does chocolate and oranges." Eddie said, thinking of her longest lasting craving of the fruit. "That would be better than this hell."

At the thought and mention of her favorite snack, it seemed her little peanut agreed. "Now I want oranges and chocolate!"

"Oh god. Do you feel better?" Cristina asked the older blonde incredulous as she stops jogging to catch her breath.

Eddie joins her, deciding to sit down on the grass for a moment, she and peanut needed a breather.

While Meredith seems to be like the Energizer Bunny and was jogs around her two friends in circles.

"I'm stupid." Meredith said.

"About jogging, defiantly. I'll agree with that assessment." Eddie agreed with a nod.

"Slutty mistress." Cristina insulted Meredith.

"Pregnant whore." Meredith shot back.

"What does that make me?" Eddie asked Meredith.

"A Pregnant Slutty Girl Genius." Meredith offered, as Eddie shrugged, but accepted it.

"Sleeping with our bosses was a great idea." Cristina said sarcastically as Meredith stops to catch her breath finally.

"Which is why I haven't. To messy." Eddie said, as the two girls glared at her, but she just smiled at them.

 "You know what's ruined for me?" Meredith asked changing the subject.



"Ferry boats. I used to love ferry boats and Derek's got a thing for ferry boats. Now every time I see a frigging ferry boat..." Meredith ranted, thinking of McDreamy and his perfect smile and their shared love of Ferry boats.

"You know what's ruined for me? Coronary artery by-pass grafts ... and aortic aneurysms. God I used to love aortic aneurysms." Cristina said as they both joined Eddie on the gras, all three interns laid in a heap.

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