Chapter Eight: Save Me

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You know how when you were a kid and you believed in fairy tales?  That fantasy of what your life would be. White dress, Prince Charming, Who'd carry you away to a castle on a hill. You'd lie in bed at night and close your eyes, and you had complete and utter faith.


Eddie Sousa entered the frat house bright and early to find Izzie is in the kitchen, a sink full of dirty dishes, and cupcakes everywhere. While George is there eating cupcakes.

"Wow, did you rob a bakery?" Eddie asked as she looked at the cupcakes.

"Eight hours, 16 ounces of chocolate, and 32 cupcakes, and they still don't taste right." Izzie muttered.

What was she forgetting? They tasted nothing like the ones who mother used to make.

"No, these are good. Martha Stewart would be proud." George said with a mouthful of cupcake.

"Yeah, look where it got her." Izzie said before turning to Eddie. "Eddie, have a cupcake."

"You don't need to tell me twice." Eddie said as she picked up a cupcake and practically groaned when she bit into it.

"Peanut and I aprove." Eddie said, as Izzie sent her a smile before she frowned looking at the little index card she had written the recipe on.

"See it is good!" George happily told Izzie.

Eddie quickly finished up her cupcake and grabbed a glass from the cabinet and made her way to the fridge.

"There's something missing, some specific ingredient. Why can't I remember?" Izzie asked annoyed.


Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, Prince Charming, they were so close, you could taste them. But eventually, you grow up. One day you open your eyes, and the fairy tale disappears.


"Look, just call her. Call your mother and ask." George said to Izzie. This was her mother's recipe it made sense to just call her if she thought something was missing.


Most people turn to the things and people they can trust.


"I don't want to call my mother." Izzie snapped.

Eddie and George shared a look as Eddie poured some milk into a glass and sat down next to George with another cupcake. Eddie had a feeling Izzie had a complicated relationship with her mother, Eddie could just tell, probably from her own complicated lack of  relationship with her own mother. Maybe she, Izzie and Meredith could form the sucky mother club. 

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