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Novak blocks the downward slash before using a powerful frontal kick to force his opponent away. Once he has room he rushes his enemy!

His opponent can barely regain his balance before he's assaulted by a barrage of blows. The blows force him back and onto his knees!

Seeing an opportunity, Novak brings his sword down on his opponent's fingers causing him to yelp in pain.

Alfred: I yield, I yield!

Alfred cradles his fingers as he fights the pain. Novak watches him. He then picks up both their wooden swords before putting them on the rack.

Novak: You did good. Better than earlier anyway. I think you'll be ready for the first round later.

Alfred: And I still think you should've chosen Gwen to be your proxy.

Novak: Maybe. But regardless, it's too late now. Take a break and enjoy the Festival. Before the Tournament begins.

Alfred grumbles as he stands up. Without another word he walks away, still nursing his sore hand.

Novak sighs.

Nadia: Any progress?

Novak turns to look at her.

Novak: He has the talent and the skill. And the experience will come with time. The issue is getting him to trust himself. He second guesses himself with every move and that's holding him back.

Nadia: I see. Though it's strange, when we fought against the Black Fang mercenaries, Alfred slaughtered them.

Novak shrugs.

Novak: Different circumstances. People fighting for their lives tend to run on instincts more often than not. I just hope I can get him ready for his fight against Fang.

Novak looks down at his feet, a sense of unease filling him. Nadia, seeing this places her hand on his chest. Her eyes soften and her tail wags slightly.

Nadia: You will. I know that. Everyone knows that. You're the type of male that doesn't let people down. The only one who doesn't know that, is you.

Novak breathes deeply. He catches her scent and for some reason, it relaxes him.

Nadia: *disappointed* Well, I need to go. Still have work to do. See you later?

Novak: *nods* Yeah.

As he watches her leave his mind wanders again.

Novak: (What am I doing?)

Meanwhile elsewhere Alfred is chewing on some jerky while he watches two massive bears wrestling. Under normal circumstances he'd be enjoying the show, but today he could barely taste the jerky.

Jessica: You look like shit.

Alfred looks at her, annoyed.

Alfred: You mistress Claw. What do you want?

Jessica: Relax silvers. I was just making an observation.

Alfred: *sigh* Your observations are the reason you can't find a male.

Jessica: Like you're one to talk. Have you ever even touched a female?

Alfred growls while avoiding eye contact.

Jessica: I heard the Gunnulf Champion made you his proxy.

Alfred: Yeah. He wouldn't listen when I told him to pick someone else.

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