Raccoon Ten

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Okay, I can do this.

Inching forward a tiny bit, King made sure that he was close enough for the phone to pick up his voice but not too close as to invade Baron's personal space... especially since he was still naked.

"Hi sweetie, your daddy is here. He just has a very sore throat because he's been so sick. He would absolutely love to hear about everything you've been up to, though!"

The girl paused for a moment, perhaps processing the new voice, then replied happily.

"Hello! What's your name? Is daddy staying with you? Are you taking good care of him?" she asked, making King smile.

"My name is King, and yes, he is staying with me and he's already doing much better."

There was an excited sound of surprise on the other end before the little girl responded.

"You're a king?! Daddy, you found a king?!"

A new emotion flitted through the back of King's mind as he picked it up from Baron.


Well, perhaps it wasn't quite happiness, but maybe humor?

That emotion seemed to fit better.

King was just about to respond that he wasn't quite a king, when he abruptly swallowed his words at the sound of an unfamiliar voice.

"That's right... Tili. Daddy found... a king."

Baron immediately started coughing once he'd finished speaking, but that was no surprise. His voice sounded terrible, so being sick was definitely a plausible excuse for his absence.

At this point the guy was practically ugly crying, but he somehow didn't look any kind of ugly, even with his nose running and his face covered in tear stains.

Still so beautiful.

In a masculine way.

Snapping back to himself, King quickly pulled his chair over and placed it behind Baron's shaking legs. The man sat immediately, making King grin as he hurried over to his bed and retrieved one of his blankets, then tossed it into Baron's bare lap.

The man wrapped it around himself right away, then tucked his legs up and covered them, too.

"What's your king's name?" his daughter asked excitedly once her father had caught his breath from coughing.

Her question seemed to stump him, though, and his soft brown eyes quickly sought him out for an answer.

Oh, I guess I can give my real name.

She evidently hadn't caught that King was actually the name he used, and since she was asking for another name, her father was hoping that he'd have one.

"Um, it's Rex."

Baron smiled.

King's mouth went dry.

The man was soon back to his quiet conversation, but King's heart had yet to recover.

He stood there, openly staring at Baron's profile for nearly a full minute before finally forcing his feet to move. They took him out of the room with a shuffle, the action unfamiliar and uncomfortable as his nerves itched beneath his skin.

Once he'd stopped moving he found himself in the kitchen, and without thinking, he quickly filled a cup with warm water and mixed in a little honey and ginger. He also warmed up a bowl of the pasta he'd made earlier, just in case he was hungry.

Raccoon-(mxm) (Rever series 6)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang