Chapter 7: Calamity Comes Out to Play

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Now, this, you should hear: YouTube /watch?v=3_XX7DF0HCA&list=PLyXt6P7d1IjUO-m8nsVSPZivqdDfn6S9_&index=6


Sereine stood in front of Palpatine's closet, riffling through his working wardrobe.

"I love you in these blues, you know that, but they're just too bright for tomorrow. And they're all too ornate. We need something somber and simple."

"Nothing somber and simple is quite in fashion on Naboo, you know that, Sereine."

"And normally, I'm all in favor. Just not today." Her hand touched something rough, plain, and black then, and she stopped. "What's this?" She grasped it by the hanger and drew it out.

"Is this yours?" A long, flowing, black garment with a hood trailed behind the hanger. "Looks like you would be lost in it."

"Sereine. You don't want me to wear that." A glance at his face showed him regarding her with a blank expression.

She held it aloft and inspected it. "I don't know. It sort of reminds me of what Jedi wear. That sort of association won't hurt." She lifted a sleeve. "These sleeves. And this hood!" Her hands found an ebony clasp at the throat, something carved, apparently by hand.

She held it to the light to get a better look at it. "This is interesting."

Palpatine strode forward and held his hand out for it. "Don't touch that."

She froze.

He stood, his hand out. "It's an old family heirloom," he said.

Sereine let go of the brooch and handed the garment over by the hanger. "Would you be willing to wear it?" she asked. "Can I see it on you?"

His face was indecipherable. "If ... you insist," he said slowly. He undid the clasp and put the garment on, lifting the hood.

She wasn't sure if she liked him in it or not. The sleeves might work; but the hood was miles too big. Then again, that could work to their advantage.

"Fold your hands inside the sleeves."

Palpatine did.

"The sleeves are graceful," she said. "It sort of trails behind you a little. But that hood. Can I see you without it?"

A bemused-looking Palpatine put the hood back. She walked behind him and adjusted it, then walked around him, studying him from all angles.

"You know ..." she mused. "I'd never ask you to wear this in broad daylight. But the holos the kids took show that it tends to be foggy there in the morning, and the tint in the sky is actually sort of green. It might work for as early as we plan to go. It's the simplest thing in your closet, and the color is appropriate. No one would shoot you with the hood up; you can't even tell it's you. But, when I like the pose, I'll tell you to put the hood back, and then they've got their pictures."

She crossed her arms in front of her. "What do you think?"

Palpatine kept smiling, a sort of rueful smile. "I think I never thought I'd be holo'd in public wearing this."

"Would you be willing to wear it?"

Palpatine chuckled and gave his head a little shake. "If you say this is the garment, 'Reine, then wear it I shall."

She smiled. "All right, then."

He took it off and folded it over his arm, stopping to regard the brooch in his hand, and she saw just the mood, just the reverence, she wanted.

She spoke to him softly. "Whatever it is you're thinking right now. Just freeze this moment, and remember it. This is what I want to see at the memorial tomorrow."

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